List #1 rule
1. Follow directions quickly
What is the first thing you do when you walk into our classroom?
Find your seat.
How many hall passes do you get a trimester?
When can I earn money?
For anything you are doing right!
What is my nightly homework?
Read 20-30 minutes.
List rule #2
2. Raise your hand for permission to speak
What is the second thing you do when you walk into our classroom?
Read the board.
What happens when you are out of hall passes?
You have to pay $5.00 every time you leave the classroom.
When can I lose money?
Doing anything that I should not be doing.
When can I finish my ThinkCentral or Connect Ed assignments if I do not complete them in the time Mrs. Sollid gives me?
At night!
List #3 classroom rule
3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat
What is the third thing you do when you walk into our classroom?
Make your lunch choice.
What is the routine for leaving the room?
When do I pay for my offense (or my poor action)?
Right away.
What is given to me every Monday and due every Friday?
Math spiral review.
List #4 rule
4. Make smart choices
What do you do after you find your seat, read the board and make your lunch choice?
Read silently!
When is a good time to use the bathroom?
Before lunch/after lunch
At the end of the day
What happens if I go into debt?
If you go into debt and stay in debt for more than 1 week you will be given a debt essay and other consequences given by the teacher.
What happens if I do not do my work?
We will have a discussion with your parents about how you can complete your work.
List #5 classroom rule
5. Keep your dear learning community happy!
What should you bring everyday into our classroom?
A book.
When can I give my friend some of my money?
What happens when I make a poor choice (not on task) on my Chromebook in class during Ketchup time or "homework" time?
It is my responsibility to get the work done outside of class time allowed.