When should you get your folder from the slot each day?
Before class starts
Should we be talking while Ms. Monreal is talking?
Where should I put my folder at the end of class before I leave?
If I eat breakfast in Ms. Monreal's room, where should my trash go at the end of class?
the trash can
What is Ms. Monreal's first name?
Explain the procedure for leaving the class to use the restroom or get a drink of water.
Raise your hand, ask to leave, then fill out a smart pass
If I have a question or know the answer to a question that Ms. Monreal is asking, what should I do before speaking?
Raise my hand
What is the consequence if I lose or damage my music?
I will have to pay to replace it.
If I move the chairs around during class, what should I do before I leave?
Put the chairs back in their spot.
What is Ms. Monreal's favorite color?
What is the correct posture to sit in while singing?
Sit up tall with your back straight and both feet on the ground.
What should I be doing while the other part is supposed to be singing and I am not?
Sit quietly and follow along in my music.
What should I bring with me to class every day?
My music and a pencil
What should I do if I see trash on the floor as I am walking out of the room that someone else left?
Pick it up and put it in the trash can.
Is Ms. Monreal a soprano (high), alto (medium), tenor (low), or bass (very low) singer?
What do we do if there is a fire drill while in choir?
Quickly and quietly walk out the classroom door, turn right and exit door #2, then line up as a class in the parking lot.
When can I talk to my friends in class?
In between activities/songs, when we have a break, or during work time
If I brought my music home to practice and forgot it at home, what should I do?
Share music with a neighbor for the day, and remember to bring it next class.
What should I do if I see someone around me who is not doing their job in choir?
Politely remind them of what they should be doing.
What is Ms. Monreal's favorite animal?
Where do we go if there is a lockdown drill while we are in choir?
the uniform closet
If I don't like a song we are singing, what should I do or say?
Sing the song just like any other song, because there are students in the class who do like the song, and Ms. Monreal took time to choose each song for you all.
If I forgot my chromebook at home, what should I do while we have time to work on our sight reading during class?
Work on work for another class or read quietly and complete my sight reading at home.
What should I do if I see or hear someone being bullied or made fun of during class.
After class or during work time, come talk to Ms. Monreal. Ask the student who is being bullied if they would like to come talk to Ms. Monreal with you.
What is Ms. Monreal's twin sister's name?