What should you do if someone is talking?
Listen quietly until they are done speaking.
Raise your hand.
What is one expectation for being safe?
Keep your hands to yourself
What subject is scheduled from 8:30 to 9:12?
Life Skills
What do we do at the SPCA?
pet cats, clean cages, brush cats
What is a reward for making good choices?
Free choice time
Positive calls/notes home
What does it mean to be respectful in the classroom?
Respecting others' personal space and listening when others talk.
Keeping our hands to ourselves.
Ask before a hug
Why is it important to be responsible?
It helps everyone learn and keeps the classroom a good place to be.
What activity happens during Bell 3:1?
Where can you find the Cottage Bakery?
Norwich, NY
What happens on the first time you break a rule?
Get a warning on behavior sheet
What is one way to keep your area organized?
Keep your materials neat and in their designated spots.
What can you do to show respect to your classmates?
Include others and use appropriate language.
What is the time for Goal Work/Board games/Sensory room?
9:15 to 9:52 White days
What is one responsibility we have in our community?
Act respectfully.
Do our jobs.
What is the consequence for the second time you break a rule?
One check, teacher conference, and lose 5 minutes of free time.
What should you do if you finish your work early?
Stay on task or ask the teacher for a choice activity.
Name one way teachers get students' attention.
Turn the lights off or teacher raises their hand with finger to lips for quiet.
When do we have Health class?
From 1:06 to 1:46. White days
What type of business is Angela’s?
A pizzeria
What can happen if you disrupt the class severely?
You may be sent to the office immediately.
What is the procedure for raising your hand?
Follow red hand raising sign when others are speaking during lessons.
What does it mean to be on task?
Focusing on the work you are supposed to be doing.
What happens during Bell 5?
SS/Sci. Life Skills activities.
What should you do during a fire drill?
Walk quietly and stay with your teachers.
What is a behavior reflection form?
A form you complete to think about the choices you made.