Students should enter the classroom by
Walking with noise level zero
I follow instructions and stay on task by
looking at the person, saying okay, do what is asked right away, stay focused
I should not talk when
the yard duty or adult tries to get everyone's attention
True or False
Water can be by the Chromebook
I pack up my backpack when
the teacher instructs me to
make good decisions, follow directions, stay on task
MYOB is when you
Mind your own business, focus on your assignment, task, or activity. Ignore distractions.
True or False
I should hang out with my friends and play around in the bathroom.
exit out right away
Before leaving the classroom, I should look on the floor for
any trash or supplies
I raise my hand when
I have a question or would like to share a statement
The 3 main PBIS expectations are
be respectful, be responsible, be safe
I should freeze when
the first whistle is blown
Accidents happen! What should you do if your Chromebook is damaged by mistake?
tell the teacher right away
How should you walk to the dismissal gate
in a quiet, straight line
I should not talk to my neighbor or play around when
the teacher is talking
PBIS stands for
Positive Behavior Strategies Support
When I am done eating, I should
walk quietly. throw my trash and trash around me into the trashcan
When moving around with my Chromebok I should
walk and hold it with two hands in front of me
At the dismissal gate, you should
stay in your class area and pay attention. Listen for your name and look for your adult/car
The consequence for a bad decision is
recess time taken, no good choice choice time, no pawisitve Thursday, parent contact, incident reports
identify the situation, change your voice to match the situation, watch/listen for visual/verbal cues and adjust your voice
face forward, walk in a straight line, keep my hands to myself, have voice level 0, and respect the adults
in the Chromebook cart in the correct spot plugged in
When my name is called at the gate
I walk to my car