Are you allowed to line up or stand near the door at the end of class while waiting for the bell to ring?
How is the classroom library organized?
By genre
Where do you turn your assignments on paper in?
Reading assignments in the left purple tray, writing and grammar assignments on the right in the blue tray.
How many bathroom passes do you have per 9 weeks?
1/2 & 7/8 - 7 passes
5/6 - 9 passes
When is the best time to sharpen your pencil and get your supplies out?
How should you enter my classroom?
Calmly and quietly
Where can you find classroom reminders?
The whiteboard in the front of the room & google classroom
When is the last day you are allowed to turn work in before the end of the 9 weeks?
The day before the end of the 9 weeks (not including weekends)
How many bathroom passes can you use per week?
What is cell phone jail & cell phone vacation?
Jail - if I see your phone, I take it and it goes in jail
Vacation - you can charge your phone during my class
Either way, it stays there until the end of my class.
Check the agenda on the smartboard
Where do your textbooks go when you are finished?
2/3 - Left, bottom cabinet on the top shelf
5/6 - Left, bottom cabinet on the bottom shelf
7/8 - Right, bottom cabinet on the top shelf
How do you ask to go to the bathroom?
Bathroom hand signal!
What are 4 things that are NOT allowed to be out in Ms. C's room UNLESS it is for a reward or with permission?
1. Food
2. Drinks that are not water
3. Cell phones
4. Earbuds/headphones
5. Work from other classes
What is the first thing we will do most days in ELA class?
Read our independent reading book for 15 minutes
What do you do with your independent reading book when you are finished or if you decide to abandon it?
White crate on top of cabinets
How many days do you have to turn in late work after you are absent?
3 days
Where can you find what time it is so you can write it on the bathroom sign-out sheet? (2 answers)
1. The smartboard/agenda
2. The clock on the back wall
You can use anything/touch anything in the classroom EXCEPT what unless you have permission? (2 answers)
1. Whiteboards
2. Anything near or behind Ms. C's desk
3. Smartboard
What should you check for around your desk (and fix) before you leave? (give at least 3 out of 4 answers)
Check the floor around your desk for books, notebooks, pencils, and trash! And pick it up.
What is allowed to go in the basket under your desk? (name at least 2 things)
IR books, ELA notebook, and a dictionary
How can you check your grades (three ways, name 2)
1. Check your student portal on GCCISD
2. Your parents can check their parent portal
3. Google classroom (after I return the assignment)
When are you NOT allowed to use the restroom (unless it is an emergency)? (4 answers, give me at least THREE)
During notes, during independent reading, during the passing period, & if you are not doing your work like you are supposed to.
What is one thing that Ms. C will NEVER tolerate or allow in her classroom? (Hint: it is something on the conduct card)
Disrespect towards the teacher or other students (name-calling, racism, cussing, derogatory comments towards other people that are different from you). If you do not have something nice to say, do not say it.