Who is the Principal of GMS?
Mr. Anthony Sanders
How many people can go into the bathroom at a time, when taking a class?
Threeeee, Yessirrrr!
Define Respect.
Treating others the way you want to be treated! SIMPLE...
If you are done with your work what do you do?
Stay in your seat, raise your hand, and let me know you are done.
Define CHAMPS.
C - Conversation
H - Help
A - Activity
M - Movement
P - Participation
What is the #1 thing to bring to class everyday?
A Pencil,...Fasho Fasho!!!
How long is acceptable to be in the bathroom?
<5 minutes
Are you allowed to curse in class?
@%$* NO!
Where can you find the agenda for the day?
In front of you/on the Whiteboard.
What side of the Hallway do we walk on?
How many days do you have to turn in a missing assignment due to an absence?
How many people can go to the bathroom in one day?
2 boys and 2 girls
List two things that are absolutely NOT allowed during School!
1). GUM
2). Cellphones
3). Inappropriate Materials
4). Weapons
5). Vapes/Paraphernalia
When can you move from your seat?
Only with Teacher Permission.
What happens if your phone falls/ is out of your backpack?
On a scale from 0% -100%, how much is classwork worth?
Why must there be a limit on the amount of people that go to the bathroom?
looking at, touching other students
List one way that we can show respect in the classroom.
1). Quiet when someone is talking.
2). Raise your Hand.
3). Follow CHAMPS Expectations.
4). Use Hand Signals.
5). Don't touch others stuff without asking.
What are the three things you must do before i call your row?
1) Be in your seat
2) Chromebooks put up
3) Area Tidy
Explain how you should enter the classroom.
1) Come in on ZERO
2) Find your seat
3). Take out Materials
4). Backpacks behind your seat.
5). Start on Bellringer.
What are the SEVEN core values of GMS?
Answers will vary.
How many bathroom passes will you get this semester?
Eighttt, AAAYYEE!!
List one SYNONYM for Respect?
Consideration, Thoughtfulness, Regard, Courtesy, Politeness
What are the consequences for misbehavior? (List 2..)
1). Phone Call home
2). Office Referral
Define each Voice Level.
0 - No Talking
1 - Whisper
2 - Partner Talk
3 - Group/Table Talk
4 - Outside Voice/Speaker of the class