Grading Policy
Classroom Behavior

What percentage do you receive if you do not complete a SUMMATIVE assignment?



What time should you be in your seat in your classroom?

The designated class time. I should see you in your seat when the bell rings or if you are still in the hallway, I have to see you when I look down both ways. If this is not the case, then you will be marked tardy or will even be swept in some cases.


During instruction, when I am teaching a lesson, answering a question, or giving directions, is it ok to be on your phone/device?

NO! It is disrespectful and against school policy.


When I am speaking what should you be doing?

Hopefully listening.

This is when there should be zero talking. It is important for you to hear what I am saying, so I don't have to repeat it multiple times right after I speak.


What should we bring to class everyday?

Writing utensils, stream, and maybe a notebook

Summative assignments are what percentage of your grade?



What do you need in order to go somewhere during your designated class time?

Permission from your teacher and a hall pass.


During class where should you phone be?

Out of sight, unless told otherwise. It should be in a pocket, purse, backpack or locker.


During independent work, what should the volume level be?

Whisper. Or if asking me a question then your normal inside voice.

You may speak when working on things, but we should be having school-appropriate conversations as we are in a classroom. 


What do you need to do if you need to borrow supplies?

Grab it when you walk in or when I am not instructing. PLEASE RETURN WHATEVER YOU HAVE TAKEN TO THE APPROPRIATE PLACE!


What grade will you receive if you don't score well but show effort and attempt an assignment?



You should not be in the hallway at what times?

No passes during 5th HR, or the first/last 10 minutes of any class.


Can I listen to music when working in class?

You may listen to music when working on formative assignments individually. Please just double-check with me. I should not hear your music, and your music should not be a distraction. You need to still complete work when listening to music.

However, you are not allowed to during testing situations or summative assignments.


What should we be doing when engaging in group work?

Talk with normal inside voices, be involved and share responsibilities with other group members, and be actively working on the assignment.


If you need to doodle to help concentrate or for other reasons, what should you draw/write on?

Scrap paper, your notebook, etc.

DO NOT WRITE ON THE DESKS or anything that is not yours.

You can be written a referral for writing/drawing on desks/property.


When will I accept late work until?

3 days after the due date.


What items of clothing are not permitted in the hallways AND the classrooms?

Hats, Hoods, sunglasses, neck gaiters, or anything that makes it hard for you to be identified. THIS IS FOR SAFETY!


What device should be used to complete online assignments?

YOUR STREAM/LAPTOP. You all should have received one.

Your phone should be used as a backup, not as your primary device. There are things that you won't be able to do on your phone.


If you need to take a step out of the room for any  reason, (take an important call, calm down, go to the bathroom, etc), what should you do?

DO NOT JUST LEAVE. Please let me know. You can quietly tell me. I am alright if we need to take a breather but you need to have permission to leave, and I have no problem giving you permission if you need it.


What should you do if you never received/lost your stream or charging cord?

Let me know/go see Mr. Morrison


What should a student do if they are absent and missed work?

If you know ahead of time, email or talk to me. If you do not know ahead of time, email me as soon as possible/talk to me before or after class. Remember it is YOUR responsibility to tell me, get the assignments, and makeup what you missed.


What will you receive if you get "swept" in the hallway?

You will receive a Merit Hall.

Merit Hall will be held after school- Mondays and Fridays are with Ms. Kimpan, Tuesdays and Thursdays are with Mrs. Robinson, and Wednesdays will be in the cafeteria.


If you are working on a digital assignment and there is a technical error that prevents you from turning it in or submitting it, what should you do?

Let me know ASAP! I can't help you if you do not communicate this issue to me. 

I will also try and help you solve the problem so you can still complete the work. If this does not work, I will provide you with an alternative assignment.


What should you do if you have a problem with another student in class (ex. they said something about you, or made you angry in some way)?

Try your best to ignore them.

Calmly talk through your problems.


We should not be bothering, arguing, or yelling at other students in the room.


Where should your finished assignments go?

In the correct turn-in bin on top of the AC unit. Make sure your name is on it and you put it in the correct spot.