Classroom 1
Classroom 2
Cause and Effect

How do we enter the classroom from recess? 

Quietly enter, get a drink of water if needed, go straight to my seat and wait for directions. 


How do I get the teacher’s attention?

I raise my hand


What is the expectation for a Brain Break?

I participate on carpet or I take a break at my seat.

What can happen if I chose to break a classroom expectation?

Practice at recess, get a minus on my behavior sheet, lose fun Friday. 


Why is the STAR test important? 

It shows Ms. Dyer what I need to learn and what groups I get put in. 


What should I do when Ms. Dyer says waterfall?

Repeat back, stop what you are doing, looking eyes, listening ears


What should you do when you enter the classroom in the morning? (4 things)

lunch choice, backpack and jacket away, breakfast (circle name) and morning work


What do I do if there is a problem at recess? 

I solve the problem myself (walk away, taking turns). I talk to a peer mediator, or a recess teacher. Ms. Dyer cannot solve my recess struggles. 


What happens when I keep shouting out and stop Ms. Dyer from teaching? 

My friends are losing important learning time. 


How do I carry my chromebook? 

Safely with two hands and walking feet. 


What should I do if I finish my work early?

Grab a blank sheet of paper, read my library book, or draw on a whiteboard. 


What is the first thing I should write on my papers? 


How should my body look on carpet? 

Body still, voice off, ears listening, eyes watching. 


How many times should Ms. Dyer give a direction before I follow it?


How do I behave during Eagle Flight if I want to be a scout? 

Having a level zero voice, staying in seat, focused on computer, and wearing headphones. 


What do you do if you need help with an activity?

Raise your hand and wait patiently 


Where do my headphones and Clever badge go when I'm done with them? 

Headphones go in the ziplock bag that has my name on it. Badge can go in my bag, or in my pencil box, but never in my desk!

What do the letters in SOAR mean?

Super respectful, Outstandingly responsible, Always safe, Really kind


What happens if I don't get my work done because I am talking/distracted? 

I might have to stay in at recess to finish it 


What is our voice level in hallway? 

Level 0 - voices off


How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet? (Name 2 ways)

Waterfall, macaroni and cheese ... Everybody freeze! 


What if I don't know how to spell a word during writing? 

Sound it out the best I can!


What is the expectation for our end of day routine? 

My desk is cleared off, my water bottle and pencil box are in my cubby, the floor is clean, and I have a quiet voice. I remembered my jacket and cold lunch. 


What is a referral?

A note written to your family when negative behavior occurs (ex: hands on others, throwing things, using inappropriate words)


When Ms. Dyer says "fist up" in phonics, what do I do?

I am not drawing in my phonics folder with my expo. I look at teacher, drop my marker, and put my fist up.