How do we return computers?
Wait to be excused, line up, put yours in the correct spot, and plug it in.
How do you know what the homework is each night?
Ms. Hanson writes it on the board and you write it in your homework log.
What do you do when the bell rings during recess?
Who is responsible for your choices, words, grades, and success?
How do you ask a question during class?
Rasie your hand
Where can you find a new pencil?
In the basket at the back of the room.
When are reading logs due?
Where can you kick the balls outside?
On the field- NOT the blacktop!
When is a good time to tip in your chair?
Where do you put unfinished work?
How many days have we had perfect attendance?
When is your homework log due?
Quiet and clean!
How should the class behave while another adult is in charge in the classroom?
Quiet and Respectful!
What do you do when returning a book to the class library?
Return it in the computer system and write a review.
Where can you find the glue sticks?
In the bins in the back of the room.
How many minutes of reading is due each week?
Who should you go to if you are having an issue outside at recess?
A yard duty or another adult outside.
When can you buy new class coupons?
During the student store on the last Friday of the month.
Is this a horizontal or vertical line?
Where are the emergency sub packets?
In the bottom of the blue cubbies.
What happens if you do not turn in your homework?
You have to do it during Fun Friday.
How do you behave when you are walking to the bathroom or office during class?
You are quiet and respectful.
Where should I look first when I need a pencil?
In your desk!
Would this represent a line of latitude or longitude?