So everyone can focus and do their best work.
What voice level do we walk at in the hallways?
What voice level should you be at during group?
Level 0
What voice level do we work at during stations?
Voice level 0
If someone is saying unkind things to you, what is the best thing to do?
Tell Ms. Raeck (or another teacher if at lunch/recess).
Why is it important to be quiet in the hallways?
So we don't disrupt other classrooms
When Ms. Raeck rings the bell, what should you do?
Turn voice off, stop what you're doing, and look at Ms. Raeck
What should you do if you have a question during group?
Raise a quiet hand
How do you know what to work on during stations?
Your station is on the board.
When are good times to talk with friends?
Lunch, recess, free time, quiet work time
Why is it important to follow expectations during whole group lessons?
So that we can all hear and learn
What does our line look like in the hallway?
Line order, bodies to self, voices off, on right side of hallway.
What should you be talking about during turn and talks?
The question asked by Ms. Raeck. It is usually on the board too.
What should you do if you have a question during stations?
Ask 3 people in your group BEFORE Ms. Raeck
When you are packing up in the hallway, what is your expectation?
Pack up quietly
Why is important to try our best on our work?
What does it look like when you are cleaning up?
Cleaning up right away, putting your materials in bin
What should you look like during group?
Sitting at correct spot, body to self, facing up front/or the speaker, voice off
When is the only time you should interrupt Ms. Raeck's small groups?
Emergency (blood or puke)
If you don't have anything nice to say....
Don't say anything at all!
Why is it important to be kind to other?
So that everyone feels happy and safe in our classroom!
What are the expectations when you're in the bathroom?
Voice level 0, doing business, washing hands, and walking back to room.
If we have our word work books and highlighters at the carpet, what should we be doing with them when Ms. Raeck is talking?
Highlighter should be put down on floor or in lap, and book closed.
What happens if you don't do your work during stations?
You do it at recess
What are some things I can do when I feel upset?
Practice breathing, tool, calming corner, take a break