What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?
Students do not get to use the pencil sharpener. They need to place the dull pencil in the dull bucket and grab a sharp one.
Miss. Hymans sharpens pencils every morning.
How do I get the teacher’s attention?
Use our talk moves! Make sure to raise your hand to speak.
What is a Brain Break?
When we take time as a class to calm our brains down.
What happens first if I chose to break a classroom expectation?
lose 1 star
What do I do if I don’t understand how to do an assignment?
Ask three before me! Try asking the people at your table, then raise your hand for your teacher's attention.
How do we line up to leave the classroom?
In number order, 3 door holds in front, with eyes, nose and toes forward!
What should you do when a time goes off?
Begin cleaning up the work you are doing and getting ready for the next task!
What is a Reflection Break?
When you head to the reflection table to calm down and possibly fill out a time out sheet.
What happens the second time I chose to break a classroom expectation?
lose 2nd star, 5 minutes of recess is lost
What can I do early if I finish work?
Busy packet, finish old morning work, go on iready
What should the first thing you do in the morning be?
Unpack and hang up jacket on your hook.
Yellow take home folder, homework, jacket
Name 2 rules in our class promise!
Try your best, have fun,
What happens the third time I chose to break a classroom expectation?
third star is lost. Contacted home. 10 minutes recess time is lost
What is my teacher's name?
Miss. Hymans
When can you use the bathroom? When can you NOT use the bathroom?
First thing in the morning, during snack/movement break, lunch/recess, and independent work times using the talk moves signal.
You should NOT use the bathroom during class time.
What is an expectation of going on iready?
Completing a lesson, no iready games unless Miss. Hymans says to, staying on iready.
What do the PAWS stand for?
Personal Best, Accept and Respect, Wise Choices, and Stay Safe
What happens if I make a poor choice?
You will lose a star and write a reflection.
What is our room number?
How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet? (Name 2 ways)
123 Eyes on me 12 eyes on you!
What should indoor recess look and sound like?
Look- Students playing nicely (no arguing)
No running or going on different websites other than epic, boddle, iready, or geometry dash
Sound: No yelling, voice levels are low
How do I earn points against Miss. Hymans?
Meeting expectations in the classroom.
Why are our classroom expectations important?
They keep everyone safe and learning.
Who was Miss. Hymans teacher in second grade?
Mr. Godshall