Classroom Procedures 1
Classroom Procedures 2
Classroom/MGMS Definitions
MGMS Expectations
Workshop Structure/
Behavior Scenarios

Within the independent workshop time, not during the first/ last ten minutes of class or during the focus lesson. 

When is the best time to leave the classroom? 


"Gator Clap 1...2... (clap 3...clap 4)!"

What is Mrs. Swetnam's method for gathering students' attention?


The structure our our class time begins with a warm-up, then leads into a focus lesson, followed by independent work time, then share/closure opportunity, and ends with clean up of the classroom and materials. 

What is the workshop structure? 


Students line up outside the building in their grade level area until the morning bell rings. 

What is the before school procedure?  


When Mrs. Swetnam teaches or reviews a concept. Students  are actively listening or practicing an example.

What is the focus lesson?


1) Put away materials. 

2) Store binder/notebook vertically on class shelf.

3) Push in chairs. 

4) Stand near desks and wait for dismissal bell.

What students should do at the end of class?


1) Quietly enter the classroom.

2) Get ELA binder and notebook.

3) Find seat. 

4) Get out necessary materials. 

5) Begin quietly reading. 

What students should do when they enter the classroom? 


Positive mental strategy that helps learning.

What is Growth Mindset?  


Students and staff  walk on the right hand side of the hallway without clumping up. 

What is the correct way to walk in the hallway during passing periods? 


During 20-30 minutes of class time, students are practicing the skills just learned/reviewed independently.

What is independent work time? 


1) Get ahead/caught up on reading homework. 

2) Quietly read. 

3) Free write. 

What students should do if they finish work early?


Students read from their just-right-book. 

What is the expectation the first ten minutes of class? 



What is our classroom behavior expectation/rule? 


Students walk through the main hallway on the right-hand side, keeping noise level appropriate, as they head to 4th period. 

What is the procedure for entering the building after lunch? 


If a student breaks a MGMS' Big 5 Rule in a major offense, (foul language/safety concern) what is the consequence? 

What is the student will receive a reset slip and will go straight to the office? 


Students can read any book/nonfiction text from our classroom. If they find something they enjoy, they store the text on the shelf near Mrs. Swetnam's desk. 

What is how to checkout a classroom book? 


Stored vertically on the assigned class period shelf. 

Where are students' ELA binders and notebooks kept in the classroom? 


1) Redirect

2) Remind

3) Reflect 

4) Reset

5) Restore

What are the 5 Rs? 


Students clean up after themselves by wiping down their area and throwing away trash. They raise hands and wait patiently to be dismissed for lunch recess. 

What are students' lunch expectations after eating in the cafeteria? 


Students take time to share their thinking or work from the day's work time that connects to the focus lesson. 

What is the share/closure part of the workshop structure? 


After completing homework, students turn in work into their class period's basket. 

What is where students turn in assignments? 


Students use the appropriate nonverbal hand signals to communicate specific needs. 

What are different ways to speak out in class? 


1) Listen, acknowledge, and respond to directives and requests. 

2) Use appropriate and respectful language with peers and adults. 

3) Respect property and personal space. 

4) Transition respectfully and efficiently; be on time or have a pass. 

5) Be prepared, stay on task, and contribute to the positive learning environment.

What are the Big 5 Rules?


Cell phones and other electronics are kept in students' lockers during the school day. If students are caught with electronic devices, they may directed to put them in lockers or may be taken away.

What is the MGMS cell phone/electronic policy? 


Students demonstrate this ability by holding themselves to high standards, allowing others to learn and function in the classroom, taking care of materials and property, and understanding the purpose of school and giving their best efforts.  

What is respect (classroom expectation/rule)? 

Respect self, others, property, and environment