I do this as soon as I arrive in the morning.
unpack my bookbag
These are the best times for me to sharpen my pencil.
before class or during independent work time
How do you get the teacher’s attention?
raise my hand
Where do you stand to line up?
behind the tape line
When should you ask if I don't understand something?
AFTER Mrs. Ruggiero is finished explaining EVERYTHING
This is what I work on in the morning until it's time to switch.
morning work
I should put these two things on every paper as soon as I get it
my name and number?
What I should do if I don't have a pencil for class?
borrow the one with my number on it
What should your voice level be as soon as you pass the tape line?
voice level ZERO
What do you get for meeting expectations?
a Devil Dollar
I have to get these out before I can be called to pack up. (2 things)
my planner and folder
I can do this if I finish my work early.
I'm done activities
Where should you turn papers in to be checked or graded?
the turn in tray
What do you do before you leave the classroom to use the restroom (2 things).
ask permission and get planner signed
What should you do if Mrs. Ruggiero needs to talk to another teacher while you're working?
continue working silently
Before I get my things to pack up I do this. (hint: use the back board)
Fill out my planner
Where should you go as soon as you come into the classroom?
my seat
Where do papers you will need later go?
my folders
Where does your switch bag go when you come into the classroom?
the back of my chair
What happens if the class can't meet expectations while working around the room?
we are sent back to our seats
While packing up I always check this for papers to take home.
my mailbox
How do you know if Mrs. Ruggiero wants to get the class's attention?
she will clap
How do you know what voice level you should be at?
the voice level board
What are the best times to use the restroom? (there are two)
before class starts or during independent work time
When working around the room, you can sit everywhere but here. (3 places)
behind Mrs. Ruggiero's desk, under the table, and in the corner