What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?
Raise your hand and ask to get a sharpened one or get permission to get up.
How do I get the teacher’s attention?
Raise your hand
What should I do if I need to take a break/calm down?
Notify the teacher
What happens if I don't get my homework done?
Your parent will be notified after 3 missed homework assignments.
How am I dismissed at the end of class?
When the teacher states for us to leave.
What should you have on your desk at the beginning of every class?
Where should I always be sitting during class?
In my designated seat
What happens if I am rude or hurtful to a classmate or an adult while at school?
I will receive lunch detention or an office referral.
How do I turn in an assignment?
Through Schoology or in the tray. Not on my desk or in my desk.
How do I enter the classroom ?
Walking and going straight to seat. Sharpen pencils and get paper if needed.
Name three big expectations of class?
1. Always try your best
2. Ask questions
3. Ask for help, after you have attempted
What do I do if I don’t understand how to do an assignment?
Ask for help BEFORE the assignment is due!!!
What do you do if you need to go to the restroom?
Go before class, while in line waiting to get into the classroom.
What is the only thing I should have on my desk?
Computer, pencil and notebooks/paper.
How long should we take to get prepared after entering class?
2 minutes
What are two Chromebook expectations?
1. To take care of the Chromebook/Be responsible
2. Use it for the sole purpose of education while at school
How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet? (Name 2 ways)
Blank Stare
I'll Wait!
Comes in stands by talking student
What do I do if I want to ask a question?
Raise your hand
How do I earn homework passes?
Following expectations
What is my expectation if I am quarantined or gone from school for an extended period of time?
If able, I am expected to check the folder and complete as much work as possible.