Procedures 1
Procedures 2
Cause and Effect

What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?

Students do not get to use the pencil sharpener. They need to place the dull pencil in the dull bucket and grab a sharp one. 


How do I get the teacher’s attention?

Use our talk moves! Make sure to raise your hand to speak. 


What is a Brain Break?

When we take time as a class to calm our brains down. 


What happens first if I chose to break a classroom expectation?



What do I do if I don’t understand how to do an assignment?

Ask three before me! Try asking the people at your table, then raise your hand for your teacher's attention. 


How do we line up to leave the classroom? 

In number order, with eyes, nose and toes forward!


What should you do when our transition song comes on? 

Begin cleaning up the work you are doing and getting ready for the next task!


What is a Reflection Break?

When you head to the reflection table to calm down and possibly fill out a time out sheet. 


What happens the second time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

Official Warning


Where can you wait for the restroom? 

Standing on the dots outside of our bathroom. If the dots are full, return to your work space. 


What are the expectations for think, pair, share? 

You think quietly to yourself, then give Mrs. Snead a thumbs up to let her know you're ready. 

TURN AND FACE your partner. One person shares at a time. 

When you're done sharing, turn back to the front so Mrs. Snead knows you're finished talking. BE READY to answer. 


What are the first things that I do every day? 

Move my lunch stick, hang up my backpack, get out my reading bucket, and start the conversation journal!

What are the expectations in third grade?

Follow Directions, Use Talk Moves, Keep my body and objects to myself, show my best effort. 


What happens the third time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

Timeout to the reflection table


What is my teacher's name? 

Mrs. Snead


When can you use the bathroom? When can you NOT use the bathroom? 

First thing in the morning, during snack/movement break, lunch/recess, and independent work times using the talk moves signal. 

You can NOT use the bathroom during instruction. 


What is an expectation of independent reading? 

Reading out loud

Using the rule of 5

Sticking to my reading space the whole time


What do the Highland RACES stand for? 

Respect, Attitude, Cooperation, Effort, and Safety


What happens fourth time I chose to break a classroom expectation?

Note home and/or an office visit


What are our class jobs? 

There are different jobs that will rotate every week like the lunch basket carriers. Other jobs like cleaning our desks we are ALL responsible for. 


How do I know if the teacher wants the class to be quiet? (Name 2 ways)

Class, Class



Where do we go for emergency drills? 

Lockdown- to the bathroom

Fire drill- out to the bus loop


How do I earn points for my team? 

Meeting expectations in the classroom.

Why are our classroom expectations important?

They keep everyone safe and learning.


When is the reflection table used? 

Mrs. Snead might send a student there for time out. Or a student may request to use the reflection table.