Classroom Procedures
Other Procedures
Safety Drills
Positive Behavior

What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?

If it is during work time, just get up and sharpen your pencil. 

No pencils should be sharpened during teaching time.


What does proper bus behavior look like?

Hands, feet, and belongings are in your seat - out of the aisle.

Children are to be seated the entire time on the bus ride.


What materials am I supposed to bring to school everyday?

Binder - with any assignments, papers to be returned 

CHARGED chromebook 



What are you to do in a fire/fire drill?

Quiet - you need to be able to hear any important directions that you may need to follow

Place your items down and head out the door towards our Exit ES4 (out the door to the left). - DO NOT THROW ANYTHING

Line up outside where we meet in single file so attendance can be taken and remain quiet until the drill is over


What is positive behavior? 

Any behavior that is wanted or desired by myself, or other teachers. 

Following directions, expectations, helping others, being kind, getting the teacher involved in important situations, paying attention, volunteering, etc. 


How do I get the teacher's attention?

Raise my hand and wait to be called on.

Go up to the desk and ask appropriately for what I need.


What does proper behavior in the cafeteria look like?

Staying in your seat until dismissed to line up/clean up

Talking to your neighbors with an inside voice


Will there be homework in Math?

You will be assigned "homework" to do almost daily.

These include workbook problems, GMM, XtraMath, Study Island assignments, etc. that are to be completed during INTERVENTION - should never have to take anything home


Demonstrate the position you use when practicing a tornado drill. 

It is important to stay away from what?

Show example 

Stay away from windows and glass


What are the rewards that we get for positive behavior?

PTA hosts parties once a month for all the students that have shown positive behavior (no write-ups) 

SOAR cards are filled out and exchanged for prizes in the Library AND used at the end of the year party for a chance to win another prize!


What should I do if I finish my work early?

Choose an activity from the list of options given.


How should you walk in the hallway?

Single-file in line, staying behind the person in front of you

Voices are off, not talking to classmates or passing classes (waves are okay) :)

Staying to the right side of the hallway to allow others to pass on the opposite side


What is the SOAR card?

Similar to being a "Bucket Filler" the SOAR card recognizes students that are being leaders, helpers, responsible, and other qualities that make you a great student! 


If we ever need to evacuate the building for safety where do we go?

We walk to the Court House and wait for buses/parents there to pick up students to go home safely.


What positive behavior methods do I use in my classroom?

Marble Jar - Each class earns marbles for working hard, being on task, raising hands, trying their best, and getting 100% on tests


What should be completed each morning before we begin our Math lesson?

Belongings put away in locker

Items needed for the day are organized in or on the desk

Breakfast/Lunch count

Notes for the office turned into Miss Heinrich


What is appropriate classroom behavior?

Being on task, following directions

Having all materials that are needed

Not talking to friends during instruction time 

Raising hands to answer questions/volunteering

Rooting on others, sharing ideas, and trying our best


What do I do if I forgot something at home?




Other items?

Try to remember in the morning before class starts.

Chromebook - sign one out in the Library BEFORE it is needed.

Pencil - sign, take, replace, erase

Other - Depending what it is, always tell your teacher first, we will be understanding and can even contact your parents if it something important


What are the actions we take if there is an active shooter in the building?

As scary as it is you MUST remain calm and quiet. 

Miss Heinrich will lock the door and cover all windows so they cannot see in. 

Students will hide in areas away from doors/windows in the safest places possible until we are safe to return to normal.


What is the reward for the class with the MOST marbles at the end of each marking period?

We can choose any you like, but we have done the following in the past:

Choose your own seats, movie day, extra recess, special snack, pajama day, extra point on the next test, etc. 


Where does my binder and chromebook at the end of class?

These items should go with you to each class. For Specials/Lunch/Recess they should remain in your previous classroom.


What is appropriate behavior in the classroom for a substitute? 

EXACTLY the same as if Miss Heinrich was here, or even better.


Why is it important for you to keep your binder, desk, and locker organized?

This makes it easy to keep track of your items and papers to help make you become more responsible.

You are also sharing a desk with two other students.


Are drills just as important as the real thing?

YES! Take them seriously. In the event that any of these situations were to happen I want to know that every student knows the plan and procedures to take so that we can all be safe.


Can we ONLY earn marbles when in Miss Heinrich's class? 

NO! You can earn marbles as a class anytime a teacher has told me the class did a nice job, walking in the halls as expected, following safety drills appropriately, being the quietest when lining up at recess & walking in from recess, and so many more!