Teacher Question
Technology Issues

If you see the teacher is asking you to stop chatting what should you do? 

Close the chat and stop using it. You should not respond to their message. 


During math if you finish a problem and there is still some time before we check the answer what should you do? 

1. Check your answer!

2. Possibly give Mrs. Grandbois a thumbs up on camera to let her know.

3. Wait patiently.

You do not need to unmute and say you are done or put it into the chat. 


What should you do if you can't unmute in class? 

Leave and rejoin.

Also if you are called on and your mic isn't working you may use the chat to answer. 


When can we use the chat feature? 

1. When the teacher directs you to use it for class.

2. If you have a question or concern for a teacher that can't be said verbally at that time.


Why is it nice to have your camera on during our meetings? 

1. Teachers can see your face and pick up on your emotions and understanding of the material. 

2. Teachers can ask you to do things like give a thumb up or down to know when you are ready to move on.

3. Your friends can see you and you potentially your cool virtual background. 


What should you do if you can't see a video? 

Leave and rejoin.


If you don't want to see the chats pop up on your screen anymore what can you do? 

Go into your individual Teams settings and turn off "Chat Notifications".


What are some ways you can participate during class? 

1. Use the chat to answer a question (when directed).

2. Give your teacher and friends physical cues on camera like a thumbs up or a smile :).

3. Raise your virtual hand and answer a question.

4. Talk to your friends about the problems you are working on in your breakout room! 

And more... 


What should you do if the teacher forgets to share their audio for a video? 

1. Wait for a co-teacher to let them know.

2. Unmute and politely tell them you can't hear and to check the audio setting .


What should you do if you notice a student keeps using the chat when they are not supposed to? 

Know that a teacher is monitoring it and do not respond, simply close out of the chat and focus on the lesson. 


Generally, if the teacher asks the class a question what should you do if you want to answer it? 

Raise your virtual hand!

Unless they say to "popcorn" it out or use the chat and then do those things :).


What should you do if you get kicked off the meeting and miss a section of class? 

See if you can figure out what we are doing when you come back in.

Stay after class to ask the teacher what you missed instead of interrupting the lesson.


How amazing is our class this year? 

Very amazing. 


In what meeting can you use the chat to put in funny emoji's, gifs, and messages to friends. 

Meetings with just friends that are not our class meetings. 


What are some ways we can participate outside of our live class meetings? 

1. Answer discussion post questions on Schoology.

2. Reply to classmates posts on Schoology.

3. Submit assignments on Seesaw.

4. Read your teachers responses to your work (on Seesaw or Schoology)

5. Do your independent reading and writing. 

And more! 


What should you do if you get stuck in the lobby of a meeting? 

Leave the lobby and try to rejoin the meeting. 

We are always monitoring the lobby so there's a good chance if you aren't getting in, Teams is glitching and it's not that we don't see you.