What does Voice Level ZERO look like?
How do you do your lunch count in the morning?
What does it mean to be responsible and safe?
You take care of your stuff, you keep your mask on, you keep your hands to your self
When do you wear your mask?
When you're inside the school and standing in line.
What happens when you fill up your stamp pad?
You get to pick a prize from Ms. Martin's prize box.
What does Voice Level ONE look like?
Whispering to your neighbors.
What should you do when you hear Ms. Martin's doorbell?
Stop everything, freeze, be quiet, listen to Ms. Martin
What does it mean to be respectful to our teacher, our classroom, and our school?
We listen to the teacher, we follow directions, we are nice to each other, we don't run in the halls, we take care of our school
When can you take your mask off?
What happens when the class fills up the Bingo board?
We get a party!!!
What does Voice Level TWO look like?
talking to your neighbors quietly but not whispering.
What do i do when I need to use the bathroom?
Wait until Ms. Martin is done talking. Put the hand sanitizer on your desk. When you come back, put hand sanitizer on and put it back.
What does it mean to be kind to each other
We only say nice things, we help each other out, we work together.
Where is the one place you CANNOT play at during recess?
on the playground
What happens when the class fills up the Cleaning Challenge board?
We get a prize!
What does Voice Level THREE look like?
A student can talk to the class in a speaker voice.
Where can I find a good book to read?
In our classroom bookshelf.
What does it mean to always try your best and never give up?
You work hard and keep trying even if you get it wrong
Where do you sit at lunch?
On Ms. Martin's tables in the same seat every day.
What is Ms. Martin's favorite color?
Show me what you SHOULD NOT do when the Voice Level ZERO is turned on.
Yelling, running, talking to kids
Where can I put kind notes to my friends?
In the kindness jar!!
What happens when you break the classroom promise?
You have a talk with Ms. Martin, your parents get called, you go to Mrs. Evan's office
What is the name of our principal?
Mrs. Evans