Where is the purell?
back counter by the sink!
What goes in my cubby?
My art supplies! Markers and colored pencils!
What does it mean when the bell or chime rings?
Stop what I am doing and look up at me because there is something important I have to say.
Where can I go if I need space from the group or am having a big emotion?
You can go to the cool down corner. The bean bag that looks like a giant bean!
Where can I put an item I find that I don't know who it belongs to?
Lost and found at the back table!
Where do I put a paper that Sam is collecting?
Finished or unfinished work
Where do we stack the chairs?
Back tables by the door, front tables next to the Promethean board.
Where do we line up?
Along the cubbies!
When do I update my mood meter?
Whenever I want! But always at the start of the day and usually after lunch.
When should I run in the classroom?
Where can I find extra masks?
Back table by the sink!
What stays in my desk?
Only your laptop, headphones and a pencil case.
If I don't have a pencil where can I find one?
The sharpened bin buy the door!
What can I do if I have to let Ms. Sam know something..but she is busy or I don't want to say it out loud?
Write a note for me in snail mail! (I read them at the end of the day)
What is the wonder wall for?
Anything you wonder as we are learning together! I have sticky notes and pins so you can add to it all this year. We will spend time answering the questions too!
Where can I find tissues?
What goes in my black organizer?
What is classroom community care?
Those will be our class roles! We will brainstorm them this week!
What types of things are in the calm down corner bin?
fidgets, bands for chairs, headphones, timers, tissues
What is the table by the cubbies be used for?
We sometimes will meet in small groups here. It is also an extra learning spot if you think you will focus better there.
Where do I find hall passes?
On the hook at the door! They are bright orange and yellow!
Where will lunches go after lunch?
We will bring the blue bin by the door to lunch and they will be put in there and brought back to the classroom.