How do you spell my last name correctly?
What credit does my class count as?
1/2 credit
What are the TWO things you should do if there is a medical emergency in my room?
Pick up the phone to call the office and grab the AED
What is Ms. Seiss's dogs name?
Lillie Jane
What are the three types of drills we discussed
Tornado, fire, lockdown
What two courses do I teach this year?
Child Development
Nutrition and Wellness
Explain the difference between a "1" and a "0" in the Active Student
1's can be made up 0's can't
Oh NOOO! Ms. Seiss spilled her tea all over the floor and she needs your help! Where can you find supplies to clean up the mess and where will you place them when finished?
Sanitation Station & Laundry Hamper
What is Ms. Seiss's fishes name?
Mae Mobley
Ms. Seiss's classroom motto
Hate won't live here!
What year did Ms. Seiss graduate Madison Central?
Minor grade and major grades are what %
Where can you find your paper if it has no name on it?
The no name wall
What is Ms. Seiss's biggest fear?
What day are journals checked most often?
Test Days
What year did Ms. Seiss graduate Mississippi State?
Name and explain the 3 different levels of my cellphone policy.
red- no technology
yellow- instructional technology usage only
green- free technology
What are the bins on the left side of the student center used for?
Silent Reflection Journals
What are both of Ms. Seiss's biggest pet peeves in the classroom?
TALKING WHILE SHE IS TALKING, being ugly to or about someone/something
It's their day, too!
What was Ms. Seiss's major?
Human Development and Family Science
What are the consequences for cheating on a major grade and a minor grade?
Major: 50 point deduction after the assignment is redone
Minor: 0
What are the 3 main areas students have access to at all times?
Silent Reflection Counter
Student Center
Sanitation Station
What is Ms. Seiss's why? 4 parts
Past, present, future, and bonus students
How did Ms. Seiss get her fish? (Be specific)
A student gave it to her with an apology note!