How many students do we have in this class?
How many classroom rules do we have?
What is the first thing you should do when you come in to the room each morning?
Read the board.
What should your voice level be during reading workshop?
What are the names of the 3 main teachers you will see in the classroom every day?
Garza, Brewer, Reuter
What is our first classroom rule?
Be respectful
What should you do if you have to go to the bathroom?
Look to see if anyone's name is on the bathroom board. If no one's name is on there, you may write your name on the board and then go.
How do you know what rotation you should be doing?
Find your name/group on the board.
What is one way to earn a star on our classroom behavior chart?
Answers vary
What is our second classroom rule?
Be kind.
When is a good time to go to the bathroom?
Independent work time
What are the 3 reading workshop rotations?
Read a book, reading response, fluency
Where do you keep your Activity packet?
Special/black folder
Where can you find extra scissors?
Stand up go to the imagination station.
Where do you record your reading response?
Green response log
Who is the best third grade class?
What time does IRA start?
Where can you find your reading response?
Google classroom