Where is the purell?
back counter by the sink!
What goes in my cubby?
My supplies (crayons, pencils, and any other supplies).
What are the quiet signals?
When the teacher puts her hand up, counts back from 5 to 0, or a signal word.
Where can I go if I need space from the group or am having a big emotion?
Calm down corner!
Where can I put an item I find that I don't know who it belongs to?
Lost and found on the back counter!
Where do I put a paper that Ms. Ringo is collecting?
Finished or unfinished work
Where do we stack the chairs?
Back tables by the door, front tables next to the Promethean board.
Where do we line up?
Along the cubbies!
When do I update my mood meter?
Whenever I want! But always at the start of the day.
When should I run in the classroom?
Where can I find tissues?
In the blue-green cart under the hall passes or by the sink.
What computer do I use?
You will have a computer assigned to you.
What can I do during teaching time?
Pay attention to learning, ask questions, and participate!
What types of things are in the calm down corner bin?
fidgets, headphones, books, and a timer
What is the big brown table used for?
We sometimes will meet in small groups here. It is also an extra learning spot if you think you will focus better there.
Where do I find hall passes?
On the hook between the cubbies and the classroom door.
Do I keep markers, crayons, and other supplies in my desk?
When can I use the bathroom, sharpen a pencil, or move around the room?
Most anytime except teaching time! Make sure the teacher knows if you are leaving to go to the restroom.
What else can I do if I am feeling a big emotion?
Regulation or breathing strategies.
Where do I put my lunch?
Put it in the peach bin by the cubbies.