Executive Functions

Little Johnny is constantly distracted when seated to his friend Billy. You are due to change the seats of the students for a few months but haven't because the majority of the students are working collaboratively. what can you do for Johnny?

student placment


You're in a kindergarten class, and two students are playing with a doll. On student attempts to  take the doll for them self leaving the other student upset. What would be a quick fix for this common problem? 

1. Give the student a different toy 

2. Tell the students to share 

3. Take the doll away from the students 


This resource includes students dancing in front of the big screen following multiple characters. What resource is this? How can this help?

Just Dance OR Go Noodle 

Discuss the benefits of the resource 


True or False: Executive functioning skills affect long term academic, financial, and social success 



There is a little girl in your class that has little motivation towards completing her work and staying on task. When it comes to tech time, she is always the first one to try and get an iPad. What can you do for this little girl? What problems can this lead to?


You are aware that your students take 15 minutes to get their snow pants, jacket, and boots on before they go outside. You generally get them ready 5 minutes before the bell rings and notice that half of them are taking a long time, which makes you panic about getting them all lined up and outside. How might you deal with this situation? 

Give more transition time, set expectations for getting ready if necessary, have small groups of students get ready together at specific times (instead of the whole class)

Open to discussion 


This app is a reward system that gives students points based on meeting expectations

Class Dojo 


These three areas build a framework for executive functioning. They are: 

Working memory, inhibitory control, and mental flexibility 


You realize that when some of your students have finished their work early, they tend to roam the classroom and disturb others. what can be done to stop this from happening?

classroom jobs


Your class enjoys an activity period called 'Friday Time' every Friday. However, during the week they were not following the expectations, even after you had conversations with them about their behaviour. They still expect to get that Friday time though. How might you deal with this situation?

1. Have students earn their Friday time (rewards based system). 

2. Have specific students sit out of Friday Time for a certain amount of time. 

3. Other 


These individuals use their social media platform (the most used in the world for videos) to educate others about classroom management and teacher life. 

Name some you know or guess who we are talking about. 

Pocketful of Primary 

Smartie Style 

FiveFootOne Teacher 

Too Cool For Middle School 


This is how you might build organization and time management habits in your classroom. Give some examples. 

  • Use organizers 

  • Help the student create a daily to-do list to track assignments.

  • Break down big projects into smaller pieces with more deadlines.


In terms of classroom management, what is one of the main things that should be established from day 1?

classroom expectations

what are some examples?


Your class has been interrupting lessons throughout the day multiple times and have been loud during the work periods. You notice yourself getting stressed out your tone of voice is getting higher, and the volume is louder as well. How might you take control of the classroom environment in this situation?

1. Lower your voice (volume, sound more calm) 

2. Remain calm 

3. Use attention getters to redirect them 

4. Other :) 


This is a student self regulation resource that involves 4 colours. 

Zones of Regulation 


The way assignments and instructions are given influence student motivation and ability to complete the tasks. If a student has not followed instructions given after reminding them many times, you would take which actions?

  • Give step-by-step instructions and have the student repeat them.

  • Use attention-getting phrases like, “This is important to know because….”

  • Check in frequently to make sure the student understands the work.

  • Give simple and concrete written and spoken directions.


You have a boy in your class that is violent to teachers and students. What resources are available to you when experiencing this?




document everything!


You are now a supply teacher on your first day on the job (congrats!). You walk into a sixth grade classroom and notice that no lesson plans have been left for you to follow. You also realize that the students are more interested in their phones than listening to you. What do you do?

1. Have students put their phones away before instruction

2. Be prepared by having an emergency 'supply teacher bag'

3. Play educational games that you have learned in class 

4. Ask students what they have been working on

This resource is a 13 week structured program that teaches self control and problem solving skills. 

Stop Now And Plan 


Executive functions are more important than which two factors in school readiness and success?

IQ and math/reading achievement