Classroom Management Strategies
Rules And Procedures
Safe Learning Environments

Define a procedure.

An established or official way of doing something.


Give an example of a rule.

Don't run with scissors. 

Don't eat Sally's hair.

The carpet is not for eating.


Define bullying 

unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves real or perceived power balance.


What is classroom management? 

Ways that the teacher keeps the class in order. 


What's the difference between positive and negative reinforcements in a classroom?

One helps to praise good behavior and the other focuses on a student's bad behavior. 


What are some ways to prevent bullying in your classroom?

Policies, help students make friends, be nice to all students, and live by their own rules, Etc. 


Define rapport. 

A close and harmonious relationship in which the teacher and the students understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.  


How do schools in general use positive reinforcement?

Recognitions (student of the month)

Rewards activities Etc.


What is the definition of cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.


Why is classroom culture important? 

It's creating an environment where the students feel safe.


What is suspension/Expulsion?

A suspension is the temporary removal of a child from the learning setting. Expulsion is the permanent removal of a child from the setting.


Give some examples of how to deal with bullying and cyberbullying.

Bullying: Tell a trusted adult.

Cyberbullying: Don't respond and don't forward the message.

Keep evidence.

Block person.

Tell a trusted adult.


What's the difference between a rule and a procedure?

Rules are constructed around broad classes of behavior (be safe, be responsible, be respectful) and apply in all settings. Procedures are guidance about what to do in a specific context.


Why does positive reinforcement work?

Positive reinforcement is effective because it creates a pleasant and rewarding experience that encourages the desired behavior to be repeated.


What are some ways that you would help a child who is getting bullied?

Anything good that the people say, no explosions.