The second step in the crisis cycle, this is where teachers may redirect the student away from the trigger.
What is defusal?
This strategy involves breaking the task down into smaller, more individual and manageable tasks for students to complete.
This method of intervention makes use of soft skills or strategies to manage the class.
What is the invisible ladder of consequence?
During this step, the teacher will give students a lead up into the next activity, but does not give any specific instructions.
What is the Get Ready step?
What is building bridges?
The final step in the crisis cycle, this is where trust is maintained or broken.
What is post-crisis/resolution?
The teacher's instructions or expectations may not have been clear, so they will individually repeat the instructions to the student to get them back on track.
What is assume the best?
This includes all the formal systems that are put in place to manage student behaviour including sanctions, rewards, and routines.
What is the visible ladder of consequence?
It is during this step that students will head off to do what they have been told, but verbal reinforcements may still be used.
What is the Go step?
Having a pre-made conversation or phrases can help teachers initiate hard conversations with parents.
What is a script?
The fourth step in the crisis cycle, this is not the time to talk to rationalize with the student and the room/area may need to be cleared.
The teacher may need to use a confirmation glance to check on a student to see if they know what to do.
What is act as if?
Even after misbehaviour, please and thank you's are extremely important to make students feel welcomed and valued.
What are manners?
During this step, teachers need to be clear about their expectations and instructions.
What is the Get Set step?
When working with parents, it is important to consider how they may only raise their child based on what they know.
What are cycles of poor parenting?
The sixth step in the crisis cycle, it is important to be an active listener and never go back to the trigger after this.
What is stabilization?
This strategy involves using small praises and acknowledgements to help students follow instructions.
What is insert careful acknowledgements?
This method from the visible ladder of consequence focuses on addressing the solution rather than the problem.
What is private individual correction (PIC)?
During the Go step, a teacher may let students know how long they have to complete the task.
What is showing the time?
When communicating with parents, it is important that you communicate when and how they can or cannot contact you.
What are communication boundaries?
The third step in the crisis cycle, you may need to set limits with the student and be assertive, not submissive.
What is escalation?
This is what teachers will need to use if students continue to not follow instructions or are not able to get back on track.
What is the 6 Ps
For this to be successful, the teacher needs to maintain a positive and confident demeanor.
What is bright face?
During this step, a teacher may say "When we go to the computer lab, we need to be quiet and respectful walking through the hallway."
What is the Get Set step?
Parents will be more willing to help if you ask them for assistance.
What is the Franklin effect?