"A" is for Agitator
They Didn't Cover This in College
The "I's" Have It
Tell Me About It
Whose Child is This?!
During your lessons, students have repeatedly informed you that they do not understand many of your questions.
1. Reevaluate your questioning techniques and lesson questions. Are your questions brief and to the point? Have you avoided questions that can be answered with a single word? Are you speaking clearly and loudly enough so that you are heard from all points of the room?
This student ignores consequences of his/her behavior.
1. Provide positive reinforcement for the student engaging in appropriate behavior by providing tangible or intangible rewards. 2. Reiterate classroom rules often. 3. Reinforce those students in the classroom who engage in appropriate behavior. 4. Create a behavior plan.
This student does not raise his/her hand when appropriate.
1. Establish a procedure. Teach the procedure. Practice the procedure. 2. Acknowledge the student immediately upon raising her/his hand. 3. Do not grant the student's request until his/her hand is raised.
Students A and B, sitting in the back of the class, are talking and giggling.
1. Walk over and stand next to the students as you continue teaching. 2. Assign new seats for the next class/day.
This student talks to others during quiet activity periods.
1. Do not leave a lot of unstructured time for the student. 2. Provide the student with a predetermined signal when he/she begins to display inappropriate behavior. 3. Have the student work in small groups in which there are frequent opportunities to talk to other students.
A student constantly yells out answers to your questions during class.
1. Have an individual meeting. 2. Reteach procedure for answering a question. 3. Use a "bonus point system" to reward for following the proper procedure.
This student does not follow school rules.
1. Provide the student with positive feedback that indicates he/she is successful. 2. Be a consistent authority figure. 3. Intervene early so the student's behavior does not become "contagious." 4. Make sure both the student and parents are aware of the rules.
This student does not follow directives from teachers.
1. Structure the classroom in such a way that the student remains active and involved in appropriate behavior. 2. Give the student preferred responsibilities. 3. Make sure that you as the teacher can see this student at all times. 4. Be mobile so you as the teacher are frequently near the student.
This student does not use school-related materials appropriately.
1. Provide time at the beginning of each day to help the student organize school-related materials. 2. Assign the student organizational responsibilities in the classroom. 3. Assist the student in beginning each task in order to reduce impulsive behavior.
This student will not participate in class. He does not participate in class or small group discussions and has a short attention span. He typically displays an "I don't care" attitude.
1. Provide the student with short-term tasks that have very clear and achievable goals. 2. Involve the student directly in the learning process. Allow him to have a choice in some assignments or activities. 3. Consider providing him with questions that he can ask during the course of the lesson.
This student does not wait appropriately for assistance or attention from an instructor.
1. Attempt to provide assistance immediately. Gradually increase the length of time the student must wait for assistance. 2. Establish alternative activities for the student to perform when waiting. 3. Position yourself so you can see the student and the student can see you until assistance can be provided.
This student does not respond appropriately to praise or recognition.
1. Praise the student in private. The public aspect of praise is often the cause of the inappropriate response. 2. Distribute praise and recognition equally to all members of the class. 3. Use feedback related to performance (test scores, grades) in place of praise for recognition.
This student constantly interrupts other students.
1. Acknowledge other students in the classroom who follow the correct procedure by waiting their turn to speak, working quietly, etc. 2. Interact frequently with the student in order to maintain his/her involvement in the activity. 3. Seat the student strategically near the teacher.
A student participates actively during your classroom lessons and demonstrates an obvious grasp of the content material. However, he has a failing test average.
1. Meet privately with the student to discuss his/her test performance. Ask him/her what the problem is. 2. Investigate and teach proper study habits. 3. Meet with parents if necessary to develop a solution.
This student leaves his/her seat without permission.
1. And what is the procedure please? (Establish, Teach, Practice) 2. Reinforce the student for staying in his/her seat based on the length of time the student can be successful. Gradually increase the length of time required for reinforcement as the student demonstrates success. 3. Communicate with parents so they can reinforce the student at home for appropriate school behavior.
This student blurts out answers without being called on.
1. Conference with the student. Identify what he/she is doing wrong, and tell what he/she needs to be doing instead. (Teach procedure, practice procedure) 2. Write a contract with the student specifying what behavior is expected. 3. Encourage the student to model the behavior for others in the class. (turn this student into a leader)
This student does not complete homework.
1. Have the student verbally repeat the school assignment to reinforce the student's awareness of the assignment. 2. Have the student complete an assignment book recording each day's assignments. 3. Assign small amounts of homework initially. Gradually increase as the student experiences success.
This student sleeps during school time.
1. Determine whether the student falls asleep at certain times of the day, during specific activities, etc. 2. With the student and parents, develop a daily schedule that provides structured time for activities before bedtime so the student develops a healthy, daily routine. 3. Make sure the student receives more attention from teachers when he/she is actively participating in activities than sleeping.
This student uses profane language.
1. Immediately remove the student from interacting with others when cursing. 2. Meet with the student to discuss inappropriate behavior. 3. Establish consequences and enforce consequences in a non threatening manner.
This student is not organized.
1. Teach the student time management skills. (determine amount of time needed per subject, set aside specific study time daily, etc.) 2. Provide an organizer inside the student's locker and desk for materials. 3. Provide color coded folders for different subject areas.
This student does not demonstrate the ability to follow a routine.
1. Make sure the student's routine is consistent each day. 2. Post the class routine in the classroom. 3. Make sure the student can tell time.
This student does not use study time appropriately.
1. Interact frequently with the student to help him/her make appropriate use of study time. 2. Allow the student the option of performing assignments during another study time. 3. Assign short-term projects that can be quickly completed.
This student steals.
1. Establish rules and consequences. Make sure the student and the parents are aware and agree. 2. Write a behavior contract. 3. Do not allow the student to be unsupervised anywhere.