Voice Levels
Asking For Help
Daily Routine

What should my voice level be during testing?

Level 0.


How do I ask for help during a group activity?

I ask one of my group mates first, before raising my hand to check with the teacher.


What should I do when I come to English class?

I should grab my SSR book and read quietly, then work on my reading log.


What should I do if I am having a bad day?

I should let me teacher know, via a note or a quick conversation at the start of class.


What should my voice level be during the lesson?

Level 0.


How do I ask for help during a lesson?

I should write down my question in my notes, then ask the teacher after the lesson is over. If I am missing pencil or paper, I can quietly check with a neighbor *before* the lesson begins.


What do I do after I finish my activity, but others are still working?

I can grab my SSR book to read, or I may ask permission to help those who haven't finished.


What should I do if I need to see a counselor?

I should set up a meeting with my counselor using the google form from the school. If it is an emergency (someone has died/is dying), I can speak with the teacher about seeing the counselor, but the counselors may be busy and I might have to wait.


What should my voice level be during group work?

Level 1.


How do I ask for help during a movement activity?

I can ask student near me in the room, then check with the teacher if needed by raising my hand.


How do I know when to change activities?

The wireless bell will ring, or the timer bell may go off. The teacher may also tell me we are changing activities.


What if I am confused on how to behave in the classroom during an activity?

I should check my CHAMP Charts in my binder.


What should my voice level be during a movement activity?

Level 2.


How do I ask for help during a test?

I should raise my hand and wait for the teacher to come over to me. I should speak to her in a quiet Level 1 voice so as not to disturb others who are testing.


What do I do on Thursday after SSR?

After finishing my reading log, I quietly open my computer and begin the computer time activity.


What if I have a minor misbehavior, like talking during level zero?

My teacher will redirect me to help me follow the correct behavior. However, if I continue to have that problem during the same class period, I will receive a phone call home. If I refuse to follow the correct behavior when told by the teacher, I am being defiant and will receive a minor referral as well as a phone call home.


What should my voice level be during games?

It depends on the game, but voice levels should not go above level 2.


How do I ask for help during a game?

I should check in with my game teammates. If I still have a problem, I should raise my hand and ask the teacher.


Where can I find out what is happening every day?

I can check the daily agenda on the side wall.


What if I follow all the CHAMP Charts and do my classwork?

Then I am being an awesome student and I can get PAWS points! Also I am learning, so I will make good grades and will be well liked by my teachers, which is helpful when I need letters of reference later.