Procedures for in the classroom
Procedures for the classroom Part II
Procedures for Recess/ lunch
Procedures for leaving the classroom (lunch, washroom etc)

What are the push lights on the whiteboard for?  

They are to tell us what the volume of the classroom should be. However, they should not be the only way we should know how loud we should be. We can use our judgement to know too.  


How can we keep our classroom clean?

Picking up any pencils, markers, erasers, papers, garbage that may be in our classroom. It is all of our jobs to keep our classroom clean .   


What should you do when you see a wasp outside?

Ignore it! The more you bug it, the angrier it will get and that is when stings happen. Pretend that it is not there and eventually it should fly away.  


Where do your indoor shoes go when we leave for the end of the day?

Your seat!


What are the signals for using the restroom and asking for water?

restroom= fingers crossed 

water= peace sign 


Why do we do sharing circles?

Because it helps build respect and a sense of community in our classroom. It also helps us know each other better. 


Why do we wait until Miss.Izzo says to come into the classroom?

The classroom is a place for learning. It should be quiet and calm so when we are waiting outside it gives us a chance to calm down and focus on why we are at school.


When is a good time to use the washroom?

During snack time, after Miss.Izzo is done giving instructions, during lunch, when no one else is out of the classroom.


What is active listening? Why is it important?

Being an active listener means listening to someone with your whole body. That means your eyes are focused on the person talking and your hands are not busy doing things at your desk. It is important because it shows respect and helps you be successful.

What is the "Waiting Room" on Miss.Izzo's desk? 

When we are doing quiet work as a class and Miss.Izzo is busy working with another student, or is working on her own work, and you need help, Miss.Izzo may tell you to take a number. When she is ready to help you she will call your number and you can get help. While you are waiting make sure to ask people at your table group for help as well. 


Where do we put our indoor shoes when we come from lunch 

In a nice straight line along the wall of the hallway outside of our class. Make sure your shoes are together!! 


Even though we have the cones, should you still ask Miss.Izzo to leave the classroom. 

Yes, Miss.Izzo needs to know where you are at all times. You always need to ask to leave the room.  


What are the cones in the classroom used for? What do the colours represent? 

The cones are to be put on your desk when you need to leave the classroom to use the washroom, get water, or go elsewhere in the classroom. 

Pink= girls washroom

Blue= boys washroom 

purple = water 

teal = office/ other 


How can we move safely in the classroom, especially when we are doing an activity that requires us to move around

By walking and making sure we are watching where we are going. We do not need to act silly just because we are out of our seats    


Where do our lunch boxes go when are going outside for lunch recess. 

On the top rack of the shoe rack, in a neat line


How many people should be out of the classroom at a time?

One boy and one girl, no more than that. Look to see if a cone is missing and wait until it goes back to its place to ask. 


What do you do if you need a pencil?

Place your old pencil in the dull bin and grab a pencil from the sharp bin. 


When is a good time to talk to the person beside you, or to your friend?

During recess, lunch, partner/group work. 


Where are you allowed to go during both recesses and what day are you allowed on the playground?

During morning recess you can play soccer on the far field, or hang out at the close baseball diamond. During lunch recess, you can play soccer on the closer field.

Day 4


How should we walk in the halls?

Quietly and respectfully in a straight line. This is especially important when there are other classes learning in their classroom