When in the hallway, where should my hands be?
At my side, not touching others or things around me!
How should we line up?
Quietly stand in line, waiting to go into the hallway!
In the morning, what things should I do when I come in?
Put folder in mailbox and put down chair.
Read the board for morning work.
Name rule #1
If I need a pencil, what should I do?
What should my feet be doing in the hallway?
Walking feet!
Before getting in line, what should I do?
Push in chair and make sure no trash is on the floor.
If I am finished with work, what can I always do?
Read or work on "I'm done, now what?" packet!
Name rule #2
Follow directions quickly!
If I need to use the restroom, get a drink of water or have a question, what should I do?
How should our class walk in the hallway?
In a straight line!
When we are working, what should my voice level be at?
No! :)
Name rule #3
Respect others! Respect yourself! Respect the school!
If Mrs. Carey says "Class, class" what should you say and do?
"Yes, Yes" and be quiet to hear directions!
If I go to the hallway to grab something, what should I do when done?
Come back to the classroom, quickly!
If I earn a glow token or a grow token, where should this go?
In my glow token bag in my desk!
When I am working, where should I be?
At my desk, or sitting on the floor quietly (if Mrs. Carey says I can).
Name rule # 4
Raise your hand to speak or stand!
How many warnings will Mrs. Carey give before handing out a grow token?
I will ask once, give a second reminder and then you will receive a glow token.
No talking!
When going to specials classes, what does Mrs. Carey expect?
Our best behavior and the same respect for other teachers as you show her!
Who do we work to show glory to?
Jesus! We live to give him glory and should do all things to honor him, even our school work!
Name rule #5
Be safe. Be kind. Be honest.
If I receive a grow token, what happens?
I will lose recess time and possible write a behavior reflection.