What does voice level zero mean?
No talking
How do we line up for chapel?
Raise my hand
Where should I stand if I am waiting for my lunch card?
Up against the wall
Who all should I show respect to?
Everybody (all teachers, all students)
When someone is speaking, our attention should be where?
on the speaker
Self Control
What voice level should I be at if I am waiting to get my food?
Zero (No Talking)
Bonus: Why?
What does it look like to show respect when we are lining up?
Walking quickly and quietly, not distracting others
What does voice level 2 mean?
6 inches
If there is music being sung, what should you do?
Sing along
When are at least 3 good times to use the restroom?
When I first come in, snack, lunch
What does the red cup mean?
What does the green cup mean?
Red - 10 minutes of silent lunch so I can eat
Green - I can talk at an appropriate voice level
I have something really really important to tell my friend, and we are just working on the Bible workbook page as a class. Is this a good time to whisper to them?
Bonus: Why not?
When do we use voice level 4?
Who's glory do we sing for?
God's not ourselves
When the timer goes off after snack, what should I do?
Throw it away and sit down at my desk quickly
Am I allowed to go back into the lunch room to get something I forgot the first time (example: spoon/fork)?
No, get everything you need the first time please
What might it look like to respect our classroom?
Pick up any trash, even if it is not yours
Do not break or destroy pencils on purpose
Do not write on the back of whiteboards