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Good Morning!
Best Behavior

What is the quick trick you can use to check if you are 3 feet apart in line?

Options: Penguin arms!


Where are the two bathrooms we use?

By the cafeteria, or by the office if an emergency and given permission.


What does it mean when Mrs. Kase is wearing her crown?

The 5 B's apply! If you are going to interrupt her important work with others, it must be because of Bleeding, Broken, Barfing, Burning, Bathroom, or another emergency of some sort. If it is not one of those things, you must ask a classmate for help or solve your problem yourself until Mrs. Kase is available. 


What rewards can you sometimes earn for doing the right thing? How can you use them?

Tickets! You can spend them at the ticket store every other Thursday!


How can you earn a compliment dollar? How can you earn 2?

For 1: Get a compliment from another teacher or Mrs. Kase for good class behavior. 

For 2: Get a compliment from a principal!


When is it ok to take off your mask?

When you eat, drink, or on a mask break!


What are the rules for when you can go to the bathroom, and what do you have to do beforehand?

Once you have raised your hand on zero and Mrs. Kase gave you permission, you may get up and put your sticker up next in the line for the bathroom. When it is your turn, move your sticker to the top, take the lanyard, and go. When back, hang it back up and put your sticker back in its place.


Where should you hang your bag and jacket?

On the hook with your number above it!


Why would someone be sent to Stage 1?

For failing to listen to the teacher's reminders and instructions, disrupting/distracting the class, or causing problems for others. 


What does ROAR stand for?

Respectful, Open-Minded, Actively Engaged, Responsible

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, such as a cough, stuffy nose, sore throat, or fever, what will happen?

You will have to go home!


What should you always do before you leave the bathroom?

Wash your hands for 20 seconds!


What are your options once you have finished your morning work?

You may read silently to yourself, do your classroom job, use the bathroom, or ask to go to the library to exchange a book. 


What could send someone to Stage 2?

Continuing to engage in the behavior that sent them to Stage 1 instead of fixing the behavior while there, or behaviors that are directly harmful to others, such as hurting someone or destroying property. 


What do you know about our classroom library procedures?

We can have up to 3 books in our book bins at one time. We can switch them out before morning meeting or during independent reading times. Book buddies must stay in our book bins unless we are doing independent reading. Also, there are 3 yard sticks in the corner. If you are picking books, one must be on your desk. If there are none left, you must wait until one is available so it doesn't get crowded!!


During snack or indoor lunch, how do we keep each other safe?

Some people move to spots around the room or turn their desk to be facing away from others as they eat and drink. We also know how to sneak a snack under our masks when closer, and we must stay on Level 0 when maskless, no matter what.


When is an ok time to ask to go to the bathroom?

Before leaving for school, before Morning Meeting, during workshop time, during lunch or recess, and during Leopard Time. 


What voice level should you be on during a lesson, unless called on?

Level 0!!!


What are some of the tools you can use at Stage 1 to help calm yourself down and know how long to stay?

Breathing exercises and mindfulness posters. 


What are our 4 class rules?

Be kind. Be safe. Work hard. Have fun!!


What should you do any time you are going to share a materials with someone else? (like math cubes, dice, a recess ball, etc.)

Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands, and sit 3 feet apart!


When is it ok to touch another person's bathroom sticker or lunch magnet?

Never! They are responsible for moving their stickers themselves. However, if you are the lunch tallier and Mrs. Kase has asked you to reset the lunch magnets for the next day, that is allowed.


What are the first things you should do when you walk into the classroom in the morning?

1. Stop and use hand santizer. 

2. Make your lunch choice. 

3. Put your backpack and jacket away on your hook.

4. Check your mail, and head to your desk. 

5. Read the Morning Message to see what your Morning To-Do's are. 

6. Get started on those To-Do's! 


Can someone ask to take themselves to Stage 1? Explain.

Yes, to get themselves under control or calm down and take a break. However, this may only last for 1 minute. 

What are the hallway expectations for our class wherever we go in Johnson?

We walk in a single file line, facing forward, in line order, on level 0, hands to ourselves (clasped in front or behind us, in our pockets, or by our sides), leaving 3 feet of space in between each person.