How do you show personal space when you are standing in a line with other classmates?
You should face forward and put your arm straight out in front of you. If you are touching the person in front of you you are too close.
How do we walk from PE to get our lunch?
We walk from the gym and stop at the end of our lunch table. When the teacher dismisses you. You walk to the lunch line and grab your milk, lunch tray, vegetable, and fruit.
Where do paper or worksheets go when you have not finished them yet?
Those papers should be put inside the bag in your bin at the front of the room. (Someone please point out the bins)
How do we stand and walk in a line?
In the classroom we stand on the green line. We give each other personal space.
We face forward the whole time and keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
We have our arms by our sides and our voices off.
When walking we stand behind the person in front of us.
Where do we look to find the steps for our morning or end of the day routine?
Our morning and end of the day routines are on our wall behind our desks.
What is the expectation or rule for the building toys on my bookshelf?
You are allowed to have one building toy on the shelf.
It can only be there for 5 days.
If the student is playing with the building toy without asking they will lose the privilege of having the toy on their shelf for the week.
What is not allowed in the lunch line?
Your coat, toys, or anything else in your hands.
Where do I put papers or worksheets that I have completed?
The papers or worksheets that are finished go in the turn it in tray. This tray is at the front of the room right next to the fidget box. (Someone point out the tray)
What do we do when we walk into the room after lunch, art/music, recess?
All students will walk into the room and walk straight to their desk.
The student will sit in their chair right away without touching anything on their desk, book shelf, or book bag.
Students will then wait at their desks for instructions from their teacher.
Each student please tell me what the steps are for their individual morning routine. (One at a time)
Do not look at your routine card. Try to remember first.
How can we ask for a break at our desks?
You need to be sitting in your chair.
You can raise your hand and wait patiently for the teacher to respond (get the teacher's attention)
Or you can grab your yellow break card from your bookshelf and put it on the front of your desk and wait patiently for your teacher to give the okay.
What does eating at the lunch table look like?
We pick a spot at the table and sit down. You do not get up until someone dismisses you.
We can talk to our friends with a calm voice. Our voices should not reach a yelling level.
We keep our hands and feet to ourselves. We are not playing games (arm wrestling, thumb wars, etc.)
We talk about school appropriate topics.
What does it look like when you are doing independent work?
When given independent work you will sit at your desk or wherever the teacher told you to sit.
You will get out the work that you were assigned and start to complete the assignment.
While working on the independent work you should be focused on the work in front of you and be silent.
If you are able to handle using music you may ask a teacher to do so (This answer might be a yes or a no)
If you are confused, frustrated, or have a question you will raise your hand and wait patiently for a teacher to help you.
What does going to the bathroom appropriately look like?
If the student is a Daily level they will raise their hand and ask if they can go to the bathroom. They will then wait at the door for a teacher to walk with them.
If the student is progress level they will raise their hand and ask if they can go to the bathroom. The student will then grab a bathroom pass off of the wall and walk out of the room.
The students will walk to the bathroom area. One student will walk in at a time and use the bathroom. When they are done using the bathroom the student will wash his hands and then dry his hands. The student will then walk out of the bathroom and line up at the wall if their are more students using the bathroom.
Each student please tell me what the steps of your individual end of the day routine are. (One at a time)
Try not to use your end of the day routine card.
What should our desk areas look like at the end of the day?
Everything on the floor and your desk should be picked up and put away in the correct spot. (iPads go in the cart)
Chairs should be pushed in.
Nothing left on the hooks.
When do you get to leave the lunch table?
A teacher in the lunchroom needs to dismiss you from your table to dump your tray.
What is the appropriate way to listen to music while working?
The student will tell the teacher what song they would like to listen to.
The teacher will then find that song and play it for the student.
The student will put the headphones on and lay the iPad on the ground face down.
When the student needs a new song they will raise their hand and ask the teacher to change the song.
What are the expectations outside at recess?
When outside all students will keep their hands and feet to themselves. (No tackle or two touch football)
All students will stay in our recess area by the sheds unless a teacher has told them otherwise.
When playing games students will use calm voices and kind words. Students are able to sit down and take a break if they are upset during a game.
Nothing from outside will come inside such as sticks, leaves, rocks, snow, or dirt. When outside at recess sticks, rocks, and snow balls stay on the ground.
What does the red tape / string on the door mean?
The red tape on the door means that students are not allowed to pass through the door ways without permission from a teacher.
If a student crosses the doorway without permission from a teacher they will receive an office referral and will lose 50 points.
What are the expectations for going to the store?
If a student is able to go to the store they will wait for a teacher to tell them to go.
The student will need a teacher to go with them to the store.
The student will pick out ONE item (unless a teacher has said different).
The student will then clean up and put away any other items they took out. They will shut the door and then lock the door.
How do we dump our trays and walk back to the classroom?
When a teacher dismisses you from the table you all will stand up and WALK to the garbage cans.
You will dump the food off of your tray into the garbage cans. (Make sure everything is off your tray)
You will then give the lunch lady your tray to clean through the window area. (Saying thank you is a great thing to say to her)
You will then walk back to the classroom in a line.
What are the expectations of sitting in the library area during read aloud time?
The students will sit in their desk and wait for the teacher to tell them where they will sit in the library area. Students will follow the library seat rotation (Ms. B is working on it)
When the student sit down that is where they will stay. All students will keep their hands and feet to themselves.
The students eyes will be focused on the teacher and each person will be actively listening to the story.
How do we come back inside from recess?
The teacher tells the students it is time to go inside.
The students then walk to the door and stand in a line. The students who brought out equipment will pick it up and bring it inside with them.
The teacher will dismiss each student inside to put away their coats, gloves, hats, and playground equipment.
If you need to touch or use something from Ms. B's desk area. What should you do?
All students need to ask Ms. B to touch or use the items on or around her desk area. (This includes the decorations on the door or door area)
When a student asks the teacher she may say yes or no. The student will accept the answer and follow the instruction given to them.
If students do not ask they will lose points for not following instructions.
Just as the teachers ask to touch your things you should ask to touch the teachers things as well.