Name one supply that must be brought to class everyday.
What is pencils, notebook, pencil pouch, laptop
How many times are you allowed to leave the room?
What does it mean to be tardy to class?
Tardy means you are late to class without an excuse.
True or False: Water is the only beverage allowed in class.
What tabs are allowed to be open on your laptop?
Calculator, classlink, or anything the teacher says is ok.
You must have this with your laptop
What is a charger just in case.
True or False - You may leave the room to go to your locker.
What is a reason you would be given a behavior ticket?
You have been asked to stop a behavior and you did not stop the behavior.
True or False: You are allowed to sit wherever you want in class
True. As long as you can handle being with the people around you.
What if I don't have a pencil? (Be Specific)
You may borrow one from the class drawer.
How long are you allowed to be out of the classroom?
5 minutes max
How are you supposed to speak to adults and others in this classroom?
You will speak with kind words and respect towards others.
If you come to school with Starbucks or Dunkin where is the first place you go?
You must finish the item in the cafeteria.
When is the BEST time to get water or go to the bathroom?
During class change
What supply will be needed to complete math problems in class?
A pencil is the ONLY supply that will be used.
What item MUST go with you when you leave the room?
You MUST have the pass to leave the room.
True or False: You will lose privileges the more tickets you get.
Where is your cell phone during school hours?
In your locker.
Name one thing the nurse can help you with.
Headaches, stomach issues, injuries at school.
If a supply is borrowed, what do you do when you are finished?
You put the supply back where you found it.
How many people are allowed to leave the room at one time?
One person at a time.
List one positive thing that could happen to you with positive behavior.
Token, SOAR card, student of the month, big reward, small reward
What happens if your cell phone is not in your locker?
It will be taken from you.
List one reason it is nearly impossible to fail math class.
Retakes on tests and open note quizzes