Where do I put my backpack, ALL personal belongings, coat, and boots when I come to class?
In my locker
Am I allowed to leave my seat during the day?
Yes, to get a Kleenex or a new pencil. If we get up for no reason, we will lose this privilege.
Where do I put my homework folder each morning?
In the homework bin by the door.
What do I do if I need a material and do not have it?
Ask Miss Tackentien or Mrs. Duff.
Who is the line leader?
The teacher junior for the week.
When I come to class, where do I put important notes from home?
Give it to Miss Tackentien, Mrs. Duff, or Mrs. Mason
If I have a question, what should I do?
Raise my hand and wait to be called on.
Where can I find my homework?
In my homework folder.
What days can I use my computer during recess?
Tuesdays and Thursdays
How do we line up to leave the room?
Miss Tackentien or Mrs. Duff will call people that are ready to line up at the door. There is no order to line up.
What should I do before I enter the classroom in the morning?
I should go to the bathroom and fill up my water bottle.
How does Miss Tackentien or Mrs. Duff get your attention if we are busy at work?
She will clap and we clap back.
Who signs your homework folder each night?
An adult in your household (parent, grandparent, guardian).
Where are the materials/toys we can use in for recess?
In the front of the room.
What do we do during a fire drill or lockdown drill?
Quietly listen to Miss T and Mrs. Duff for instructions. Fire drills we walk quietly in a line.
What are the steps I should take as I enter the classroom?
Greet the adults in the room, grab a pencil and quietly begin my morning work that is on the board.
Can I go to the bathroom during the day?
Not unless it is an emergency, we will take whole group bathroom breaks and that is my time to go to the bathroom.
What do I do with graded papers that are passed back in my mailbox?
Put it in my take home folder which I will keep in my desk.
How do I know the daily schedule or the special for the day?
Look at the white board where our schedule is.
How should we act when we are leaving the room to go into the hallway?
Quietly walking in a straight line.
What do I do if I finish my morning work?
Silently read or play SplashMath
What happens if I don't follow the rules during the day or do not do my homework?
I will miss part of my free time filling out an Uh Oh pink sheet and miss a fun Friday.
What is my homework each night?
Read for 20 minutes each night and fill out the reading log
Complete math worksheet
Study your spelling words
Fluency practice and fill out the log
When can I get new books to read?
When I am finished with my morning work.
When do we go to our lockers and get our things?
When we have a clean area and our computers are plugged in.