Going Places

True or False: If I have to go to the bathroom, I shout "I gotta pee!" and interrupt the lesson. Then the teacher will know I REALLY have to go!

What is FALSE?

SILENTLY place the corresponding plant on your desk and grab the school key. That way the teacher will know you are in the bathroom. No need to raise your hand!


The class lines up in this way when leaving the classroom.

What is number order?

Unless there is a designated line leader, the class will always line up in number order. It just makes things easier!


This is what the school's reward ticket is called.

What is a power bar?

Power bars can be given by any staff member at Farr West Elementary. While our class will mostly deal with tickets, power bars can be traded in for tickets.


True or False: During ANY individual work I may listen to music.

What is FALSE?

This is kind of true and kind of false. TRICK QUESTION haha! You may listen to music on your headphones when doing work on your Chromebook. If you aren't working on your Chromebook then no music and no headphones.


The President in the table groups has this power over the group.

What is: The power of making sure all students stay on task and getting supplies for the group as needed.


This verbal cue is given when the teacher has completed giving instructions and is ready for you to begin working on a task.

What is "Go"?

The teacher will give instructions as the class listens carefully. No one should do anything until the teacher says the word, "go".


This is the first task completed by the student as they enter the classroom.

What is putting backpacks away?

When students enter the room, they should immediately hang their backpacks up and take out any necessary papers/items they need for the day.


This is what we say to the lunch ladies after they give us our food.

What is "Thank You! You are the best!"?


During a lesson, this can be flipped to give the teacher information on how the table is doing as a group.

What are the communication cards?

At any given time the teacher will instruct the students to turn their cards to a color for certain circumstances. It could be to let the teacher know that they need help, or to let the teacher know that their group is done with a task.


This job makes sure everyone at their table has a clean floor/surroundings.

What is the judge?

The judge inspects their group for cleanliness and lets the teacher know that their group is ready to move on.


This is what the teacher grades homework on.

What is a check for completion?

Your homework (or responsibility) grade will be based on if you complete your work. 

This is the sound that should come from our class as we travel from place to place around the school.

What is NO sound?

Out of respect for the other students and classes in the school, we are expected to transition from our class to PLC's, lunch, assemblies, and other functions silently.


This is the time that the school serves breakfast in the mornings.

What is 8:15?

If you would like to buy school breakfast in the morning, it is served from 8:15-8:25


During group work, this is the key thing that the teacher wants you to always remember.

What is respect?

When we show respect to our peers we are more likely to get it in return. Showing respect when we are speaking and listening creates a safe atmosphere where we can all learn together and from each other.


True or False: the Press gets to decide who the spokesperson is for their group.

What is True?

While the press should be the one giving recaps and summaries after group work, if they are uncomfortable doing so they are able to ask a teammate.


This is our class reward system.

What are tickets?

Tickets will be handed out to individuals that are exhibiting expected behavior and going above and beyond to be awesome humans. These tickets can be used to purchase prizes from the class store.


These are the steps to be done before being dismissed for the day.

What is:

1- Clean around your desk.

2- Put your chair on your desk.

3- Line up


Name two things that show respect during an assembly.

What is: Sit still, voices off, track the speaker, be an example of a good listener, etc.

This is what should be done after backpacks are put away.

What is the bell ringer?

After you have put your items away, you will quietly work on the bell ringer that will be placed on the board. If you complete the bell ringer early you will read silently until we are ready to start.


This person in the group is responsible for their team's pencils in the morning.

What is the treasurer?

The treasurer will collect pencils in the morning and will sharpen them if needed. If a member of the group loses their pencil and needs another one, the treasurer will collect one ticket as payment for a replacement.


If a student breaks a rule, these are the steps that will be taken each time a rule is broken.

What is:

1- Teacher Talk

2- Self Reflect

3- Parent Contact

4- Principal Contact

This is what it should look and sound like when we are walking outside into the school.

What is "looks like a nicely formed line" and "sounds like silence"?

Just because we walk outside doesn't mean we get to be rowdy!


These are the Leader in Me Habits.

What is: Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win-Win, Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood, Synergize, Sharpen the Saw.

What should you do if you need help on a task.

What is "ask three before me?"

I will ALWAYS help those who need it, but as a rule, ask three classmates for help on a task before coming to me. This provides an opportunity for you to teach each other!


True of False: you should complain if you get a class job that you don't want or have already been.

What is FALSE!

My motto is: you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. While I will try to make sure the jobs are fair and even, there is only so much one human can do.