Where are pencils students may borrow?
Middle Drawer on top of Phone Safe
How many voices should be heard at the same time?
Where do you find the homework for the night?
Homework pages will be written on the whiteboard next to the homework tag. You will tear assigned page(s) out before you leave class.
When are you able to use the bathroom?
outside the first and last 10 minutes of each period
be mindful of where we are in instruction- you don't want to miss brand new information!
How should students go about borrowing a pencil?
On your way to your seat when you enter the classroom.
What should be done in response to teacher requesting your attention?
voices turn off and attention is turned towards the teacher
How do you get a 100% homework grade?
How many students may go to the bathroom at a time
Where are pencils returned at the end of class?
Bottom drawer if it needs sharpening
Middle drawer if you have sharpened it for the next user already.
Where do you find what work to start when you come in?
the page number will be listed on the board next to "SUCCESS STARTER".
Do the OPENER on that page.
You DO NOT need to write your name nor copy a learning target!! Get straight to work!!
Where should I review the daily lesson nightly?
In Agile Mind online under "Lessons" organized by Topic (we will show you)
What steps must be followed when leaving the room from math class?
1) make sure pass is not out, have ID and PBIS cards with you
2) CHECK OUT and follow prompts on computer
3) return quickly and CHECK IN on computer before quietly going back to your seat
all of the above should be done distraction-free!
Where are colored pencils?
In the front sections of the work bins to the left of the printer
If I want to get out of my seat, I need
In order to do our best thinking we need
a quiet environment
What does ready to be dismissed look like?
desks are straightened out, no garbage or materials are left behind, chairs are pushed in
What should I do if I need scrap paper or other materials?
Looseleaf (lined paper), graph paper, and plain white printer paper are available for you to use in the black trays next to the printer.
Post-its, highlighters, scissors, glue sticks, rulers, etc... are housed in the rainbow drawers. The contents of each drawer are labeled
When is it ok to give up?
Food, Drinks, Candy and Gum can be enjoyed in the classroom when...
Psyche! Never (except for water)
How do we dismiss from the classroom?
Wait for section of room (door, middle, window) to be called, then line up outside the door in 2 lines.
Facing Ms. Spann when going to lunch or fire drill
Facing Main Office when going anywhere else