I can walk to the restroom without asking during
Independent practice!
I earn howls by being
respectful, responsible and/or safe.
So my chromebook doesn't have low battery every day I should
Charge at home or leave it charging in class.
A leader who doesn't listen to their team
What is a bad leader
What I should be doing in the morning.
Washing my hands, get breakfast, check if my chromebook is charged, and get on-task.
I should line up when
Being respectful to my teacher, teammates, and classmates means
Listening, being kind, and helping each other.
Responsible use of my chromebook means
Being on task
An MVP team
Finishes practice on time, controls voice levels, follows directions
Something I should be doing during Choice Board
Working on a Choice Board task, helping someone, controlling my voice level.
my desk
Group leaders are
The amount of days it takes to get 4 green lights in Reflex
If a teammate is lost in what to do
Help them and explain what they should be doing.
What I shouldn't be doing during Choice Board or Stations
What is walking around the classroom or talking loudly and out of topic.
The correct way to ask Mr. Garcia a question.
raise your hand patiently
The way I show respect to my classroom.
Taking care of my supplies.
A chromebook that gets left on a desk
Doesn't get charged.
Teams earn Dojo Points for
working together successfuly
Responsible ways to eat my snack during class.
When I have a problem with another classmate, I should
Write a complaint ticket and place it in the Complaint Can.
A class that makes their teacher happy
A class that listens when they are being spoken to and works together when they are asked to.
How my chromebook should be placed in the charging station.
In the bookshelf with my own cable and making sure its connected without being tangled.
Your teammate is not following directions, you should
Remind them of our social contract and about being respectful to the class.
Cleaning up the classroom.