How many rotations do we have in READ 180?
There are 3 rotations in READ 180.
When can I ask to go to the Restroom?
After the first 15 minutes of class and before the last 15 minutes of class students may use the restroom.
Where do I put my backpack and cell phone during class time?
The black shelf in the front of the room is designated for backpacks during class.
Who should a student ask for help (before asking the teacher) if they are talking or in the restroom during the time that instructions are given?
The student must ask at least 3 people at their table/group to help them BEFORE asking the teacher.
What can I eat or drink during class?
Students may not eat food, candy, chips, or chew gum during class without permission. Students ONLY have permission to drink water during class.
How should we enter the classroom?
We should enter the classroom quietly and ready to learn.
When can I sharpen my pencil
Before or after instructions are given, students may raise their hand to ask to sharpen their pencil.
Where should student's cell phone be during class?
Student's cell phone should be in my backpack during class time (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Who dismisses the class?
ONLY the teacher or sub may dismiss the class.
What is my current grade in this class?
Every student starts each 9 week grading pariod off with 100%. It is the student's job to maintain the 100%.
How do I get the teacher's attention in this classroom?
I can get the teacher's attention by raising my hand
When will students be able to earn prizes and/or treats?
Students may earn prizes and/or treats randomly. There are no set days or times.
Where do I turn in work?
Student may turn in work to the tray (with the correct color on it) on the black shelf beside the Group Reading Desk.
Who can open the classroom door?
The teacher, sub, or someone designated by the teacher or sub are the ONLY ones permitted to open the classroom door.
What does it mean to be present in class?
Being present means to be on time, awake, ready to listen and learn.
How do we know what we are learning in class each day?
Read the "I CAN" statement on the board to find out what we are learning in class each day.
When can a student make up a Test or Quiz?
Student may schedule a day and get permission from their Advisory teacher to make up a Test or Quiz during Advisory.
Where should negative behavior and name calling stay?
Name calling and negative behavior should stay outside of this classroom.
Who is responsible for each student's behavior and actions during class?
The student is responsible for his or her own behavior during class.
What can I do if we have free time?
When a student completes their READ 180 Student App minutes and their assigned book from the READ 180 Bookshelf, they may either get on their chromebook (on school approved websites) or read a book
How do we treat others in this classroom?
In this classroom, everyone is treated with kindness and respect.
If a student is struggling or failing READ 180, when can they get extra work?
If a student is struggling of failing, they may ask for extra work and it can be completed, in class, during group time (with the teacher's permission).
Where should all students be in order to be dismissed from class?
All students should be quietly in their seat in order to be dismissed from class.
Who should be respected in this classroom?
All students, subs, teachers, and guests in this classroom should be respected AT ALL TIMES
What materials do I need to bring to class?
All supplies needed for class are provided, please leave them in this classroom.