Entering and Exiting
Daily Work Routines

Students will have the opportunity to use the bathrooms after _______________. Students will get permission by raising their _______. The planners need to be filled out when I go to initial the hall pass section in the current week of their planners. Students will add the time after the hall pass has been initialed. If it is not a good time, I will tell students it is not a good time or shake my head at them. When it is a good time, I will ask the student if they still need to go. The student will then sign out and back in when leaving the classroom.

Their bellwork is complete, planners


What is the procedure for contacting me? (The best way)

The best way to communicate with me is through email. My email address is cgill@wusd9.org. If email doesn't work for you, I can always be reached at 928-687-6700. If you need to leave a message. I will get back to you within two school days. 


Students complete _______ while I am taking attendance. Students are asked to start working on it after they get out their supplies for the class period. I will have a timer set for 4 minutes. We will go over the this when the timer goes off. The timer will be set for 6 minutes.

what is bellwork


I prefer students to use ______, but if a student wants to write in pen, I prefer it to be _______ or _______. If am assignment is completed in a different color pen, the student will be asked to _____________ ______________ if they want it graded. 

pencil, blue, black, redo the assignment in an appropriate color


Students are dismissed by the teacher. To be dismissed, what do students need to do to?

Students will be sitting in their assigned seats and quiet. I will dismiss the students once everyone is sitting quietly by saying a positive affirmation about the day. Example "have a nice day/afternoon"


The program that Vulture Peak Middle School follows is called _______.  

______ stands for Respect, Integrity, safety, and Excellence.




If a student wants to get out of their seat to sharpen a pencil, throw something away, get a tissue, or give something to another student they will need to __________________.

raise their hand


Students need to quietly ask their neighbor for supplies (for not shouting across the room or getting out of their seat), only _______(when) instruction. If a student cannot get material, I will lend supplies out when needed. The supply borrowed need to be _________ at the end of class in the _________ it was given to the student.  

Before, returned, condition 


When following the procedure for leaving the classroom, when do you need to sign out and back in? What information do you need to fill out on the clipboard?


You need to leave your name, time you left, and time you return. 


The student sitting closest to the door gets ______ it. The student needs to _____________ before opening the door. If the student does not recognize the person at the door, they need to ___________. 

open, look out the window, ask the teacher or aide for assistance. 


Name the following procedure: 

I will stand in front of the class and raise my hand in the air.


How should students respond?  

 What is the procedure for getting the classes attention?

This is also a Universal on our campus. Students are expected to STOP what they are doing, look at me, and raise their hand quietly. Further instruction will be given when the whole class is listening.


Every Monday graded papers will be placed in the return paper bin in the back of class. Students (2) can pass out papers after they finished bellwork. Students passing back papers need to do it _________ without __________. If the student is not quite, they will be asked to put the papers back and sit down. If a student is absent their papers need to go __________________. 

quietly, disrupting other students, back in the return bin. 


The Procedure for using the pod is that students may use this area to fill up _____  ______and wash their hands. ______ (many) student(s) should be in here at a time. When inside, students should not get into _____ or _______. Students should not be in here longer than five minutes. 

Water bottles 

Only One




The students sitting by the phone get to answer it.  After picking up the phone, the student will say, "________________________." When a student gets off the phone, they need to go over to the student that was mentioned on the phone and ________ let them know what is going on. Students will need to be quiet while anyone is on the phone, so they can hear.  

 "Mrs. Gill's classroom, Student speaking." , quietly 


Students raise their hand if they would like to share a thought, ask or answer a question, Students who are _____________________ will be called on.

 quietly sitting in their seats raising their hand


When someone is over the intercom students should __________________ The information is________ and may pertain to you or other students in the class.  

sit quiet and listen to what is being said, important 


The procedure for lining up Outside and Entering the classroom is that students will line up outside the door in _____ lines that will stop in front of the planter. Students will stand ____  _____ with their hands ___ ________. When every student is quiet and facing forward, I will give the gist for the hour.  As students walk by, I will greet them. Students will need to ________________________________. Students will then walk directly to their seats. Once in their seats students will pull out supplies for the class and get started on __________.

TWO, facing forward, to themselves, greet the teacher appropriately by looking them in the eye and greeting back, bellwork


Name the following procedure: 

Students will walk to the gym/library with the teacher using a voice level of 1. Students will need to put their backpacks in the designated area and sit in their designated spot on the bleachers. It is always important to RESPECT the speaker.


 What is the procedure when there is an assembly? 


When working in a group or with a partner, students need to______ and _____ whoever they are working with. Each student should be writing down answers with their pencils on their own papers. Alternative desk arrangement is __________ and encouraged. This should be done quickly and quietly. Students will need to use a voice level of __ in their groups. I will get students attention during group work by raising my hand. Students are asked to stop what they are doing and look at me. Students need to be respectful of other students' feelings. Refusing to work with a classmate will result in _________. Before leaving the group, a positive affirmation should be said.  

turn, face, acceptable, 1, consequence


When a student is absent it is their ____________ to find out what work they missed. in the back of the classroom there are ________. Students will need to check these as they walk in the classroom or after they have completed bell work. Students will find the bellwork they missed and any assignments. Students have ____ days to compete the work for every one day missed. Students will need to complete bellwork to _____________for the week. Assignments can also be found on _______________. 

responsibility, bins labeled 7th grade absent work (yellow) and 8th grade absent work (light blue), two, receive full credit for the week, google classroom.