Morning Procedure
Procedure Mix
Procedure Pro

How should you enter the room?

Silently and calmly

How do you ask to go to the bathroom?
Raise two crossed fingers

How should you line up for lunch?

In the order that Mrs. Dzvonik calls you. 


What should go at the top of all papers?

First and last name 


What should you do at the end of the day? Name 2 things.

WAIT for me to call your name/group. Pack up. Clean up your area. Stack your chair. Make sure you complete your dismissal job if you have one. 


What is the 1st thing you should do when you get to your seat in the morning?

Read the board. From TOP TO BOTTOM. 


When should you shout out you need to use the restroom?

NEVER! Use the restroom symbol. 


How should you enter the cafeteria?

In a straight, silent line


Where do you put completed work? Bonus: How do you get there?

The turn in bins at the back of the room. Walk there calmly without stopping and socializing :)


How should you carry your computer?

With two hands! Check to make sure you are not dragging your headphones cord. 


When and where should you get breakfast?

Before 7:40am in the Cafeteria


When are you allowed to go to the bathroom?

When the teacher isn't talking/teaching (independent work time). 


Where do you sit in the cafeteria?

In your assigned seat. 


What is the procedure for getting a new pencil? 3 steps. 

Raise two fingers. Get a new pencil out of the "sharp" bin. Place old pencil in the "dull" bin. 


How do you ask to get water? And where do you go to get water? 

Ask by raising 3 fingers. Go to the classroom sink to get water 


What should you do when the Acting Right music starts?

Calmly and silently make a large circle on the carpet. Fill in the circle starting with right next to me. 


What should you do if you see other students playing in the bathroom? 

IMMEDIATELY leave the bathroom, and privately tell the teacher. 


What are some lunch rules?

Examples: Stay in your seat. NO sharing! Silent on red cup. Talk with a quiet, partner voice on green cup. 


What should you do BEFORE you ask for a new pencil?

Examples: look for a sharp pencil in your desk. Look for a sharp pencil in your pencil box. Look for a sharp pencil on the floor around you. 


I need to go to the nurse! I should...

Ask permission. 

Wait for me to fill out a nurse pass.

Walk straight to Nurse Lindsay's health room.


Where do you find what your morning work is for the day?

On the BOARD!!!!


What is a reason why I may not let you go to the bathroom? 

You have asked to go too many times in a day.

Not the right time to ask (the teacher is teaching or talking). 


When should you change your spot in the lunch line?



Where should I put work I am not complete with ?

In my Seat Sack clear pocket. 


Who should participate in morning meeting? 

Everyone! No one is allowed to skip morning meeting. We are a class family! It is okay to not share, but it's not okay to skip.