How should you enter the room in the morning?
How should you line up for lunch?
In table order- as teacher calls
What should go at the top of all papers?
First and last name
What should you do at the end of the day? Name 2 things.
Pack up. Clean up your area. Ensure you have all your materials. Make sure desks are straight.
What is the 1st thing you should do when you come in the morning?
Put your cellphone in the cellphone bin, unpack your things
When should you shout out in the middle of class that you need to use the restroom?
NEVER! Use the restroom symbol.
How should you enter the cafeteria?
In a straight, silent line
Where do you put completed classwork?
In the correct bin for your class
How should you carry your computer?
With two hands! Cradle, like you would your baby brother or sister.
When and where should you get breakfast?
Before I come to class, in the cafeteria from 7:45-8:15
What do I bring with me to the bathroom?
The bathroom pass.
Where do you sit in the cafeteria?
At your assigned table for your class
What is the procedure for getting a new pencil?
Raise a 1- when teacher allows you can stand up and walk to the sharpener. There are also pencils in the green community bin.
Following directions, following the hallway and classroom rules, participating, making sure you are worried ABOUT YOURSELF.
2 Part Question: What should you do with your cellphones? What happens if I choose not to?
Turn it into the cellphone bin. Climate is called and your phone is confiscated- your parent will have to come pick up.
What should you do when you enter the bathroom? What should you not do?
Do your business and get out- I should not be shoving people, crawling under stalls, making a mess with paper towels and water. I should not be going anywhere else except to the restroom and back in the classroom.
what are some lunch rules?
Stay in your seat. Talk with a soft voice. (More acceptable answers will be taken)
What are the rules for dismissal?
Walk silently in your two lines out the door- walk ALL the way up the steps to the playground and let Ms. Parikh know you are leaving.
POV- I'm working on writing a paragraph response or doing my classwork and I need help. I'm stuck. What should I do if the teacher can't help me immediately because they're working with another student?
Skip it and go on the next question/activity, try my best to answer it and fix it when the teacher is able to come and help me, keep working.
Where can you find your morning work when you walk into your classroom in the morning?
Post it note, on the board, on your desk (all acceptable answers)
What is a reason why we may not let you go to the bathroom.
You have asked to go too many times in a day.
Not the right time to ask (the teacher is teaching or talking).
What time is lunch/recess?
Where should I put work I am not complete with ?
In my homework folder to complete for homework unless specified by the teacher or collected.
What are some rules for reading class when we are reading a novel?
Annotate your novel, highlight evidence, follow along with the teacher, eyes on your novel not on the teacher when reading.