How should you enter the room?
How do you ask to go to the bathroom?
Trick Question: You don't!
Drop your pass on the counter, sign-out, and go. Sign back in when you return. Collect your pass at the end of class.
You should not be gone longer than 5 minutes.
What should go at the top of all papers?
First and last name
What are the sticky notes in the plant pots for? (2 answers)
Small ones: Text annotation
Lined ones: Exit tickets
Can you listen to music during independent work?
What should you do when you come in? (4 Steps.)
1. Go to your seat. 2. Read the board. From TOP TO BOTTOM. 3. Gather your materials. 4. Start bell work.
Get one! They're on the counter. No need to ask.
Where can you store your class papers?
In your folders, sorted by class number.
I forgot my computer! What should I do? Where are they?
Borrow one.
They're on the black cart.
Put it away when you're done.
Can you listen to music on your phone? What is the expectation?
Start a playlist when I let the class begin work, put the phone away, don't touch it again until the end of class. If I see it after you get started, I have to confiscate it.
Where should you be when the bell rings?
In your seat, working on Bell Work.
When are you allowed to go to the bathroom?
When the teacher isn't talking/teaching (independent work time).
OH NO! My computer is dead! How can I charge it?
Chargers are in the bin on the cart. Wrap it up neatly and return it to the bin at the end of class.
Is it okay to complain about music on the class playlist?
No! It's 4 minutes. You'll live.
What should you do when we read the daily poem?
Stop your bell work and read with us. Discuss the poem with your group.
What should you do if the door is locked and you need to come in?
When can I get help from Ms. Jackson?
Before or after school. Let me know the day before (before school) or the morning of (after school).
Advisory, if I'm available.
The charger isn't long enough! What should I do now? How should it be returned?
Borrow a power strip.
The last person to unplug their computer from it is responsible for wrapping up the cord and putting it away.
Can you add music to the class playlist? How? What's the expectation?
Ask for a sticky note and write the songs you wish to add down for me (the more information the better.)
If you know your song has explicit language, please label it as such and I will try to find a radio edit. If I can't, it won't be on the playlist.
Where are the two places your bell work can be?
Wednesday, Thursday: On the counter
If work is on paper, where does it need to be turned in?
Blue bin on the counter.
Can I use notes on tests?
Where do I get headphones?
They are in the box on the cart.
They should be wrapped up neatly and returned at the end of class.
What is the procedure for leaving class? (5 steps)
1. Finish exit ticket
2. Put away all supplies (don't forget any borrowed tech)
3. Clean up your area
4. Stay in your seat until the bell rings.
5. Exit quietly