How should you enter the classroom?
Quietly and without disrupting
What is the procedure for getting water?
You may get water as long as you are not interrupting my lesson or your learning.
What should you do at the end of the day? Name 2 things.
Pack up. Clean up your area. Stack your chair.
What is the 1st thing you should do when you come in the morning?
Read the board. From TOP TO BOTTOM.
When should you shout out you need to use the restroom?
NEVER! Use the restroom symbol.
What do you do with any money or notes you have brought in the morning?
Turn them in to the teacher.
How should you carry your computer?
With two hands! Cradle, like you would your baby brother or sister.
When and where should you get breakfast?
Before I come to class, in the cafeteria.
When are you allowed to go to the restroom?
During whole class restroom times or when the teacher isn't teaching (independent work time).
What is the procedure for getting a new pencil? 3 steps.
Raise two fingers. Get a new pencil out of the "sharp" bin. Place old pencil in the "dull" bin.
What do you do if you forget or lose your materials?
Own it! Tell the teacher.
What should you do when the morning announcements come on?
Stop and listen.
Give one example of a schoolwide restroom expectation. Hint: LEAD
2. Everyone hush, rush, and flush.
3. Always leave it better than you found it.
4. Do the right thing even when no one is watching.
What is the procedure for turning in paper work?
Highlight your name, make sure all tasks are complete and you've done your best work, and turn in to the correct basket.
When I need to go to the nurse I should...
Ask for permission, get a nurse pass, and go straight to the nurse.
Name 3 materials you should have with you everyday.
Library folder, unfinished work folder, planner, Chromebook, pencil bag, library book, 2 sharpened pencils, a good attitude
What is a reason why we may not let you go to the bathroom?
You have asked to go too many times in a day OR it is not an appropriate time (during whole group lesson).
Where should I put work I have not finished yet?
In my in red unfinished work folder.
Name 2 ways you could be rewarded for following our rules and procedures?