My pencil broke, I should
Put it in the "to be sharpened" cup and find a new pencil.
When I line up for recess, I should
get in number order put my signal up and have my voice off
What programs or websites can you use on the computer
Only Freckle
I am not sure what to do. I should
Look around and see what my friends are doing.
Quietly ask a friend what to do.
How do I enter the classroom?
Walking quietly
My friend and I both want the same book, we should
Talk about it and decide how to solve it,
rock, paper, scissors
take turns
Mrs. Matthes says, "class-y", I
Stop what I am doing, look at the teacher and say "yes-y"
When using flexible seating, how should I decide where to sit?
Away from friends
Somewhere I can focus
If I have a question, I should...
Raise my hand, wait patiently to be called on
I don't know how to spell a word, I should
Look at the word wall
Look in my writing folder
Look in my reading journal
sound it out
My friend tripped and fell, I should
Ask them if they are okay.
At recess, I see a friend sitting by themself, I should
Ask them if they want to play
The stapler is out of staples, I should
put it on Mrs. Matthes table
Mrs. Matthes is working with a group of students, but I have a question, I should....
Try to solve the problem on my own
Ask 3 friends
Work on something else until Mrs. Matthes is available
I finished my test, where does it go and what should I do?
Finished bin and get out a book on the rug
I see my friends looking at me and whispering, I should
Walk up to them and ask them what they are talking about or if they are talking about me.
My teacher rings the chimes, I should
STOP what I am doing, look at her and say, "stop, look, listen"
I see a disaster happen in the hallway. Someone fell and hit their head and they are bleeding. I should...
Get a teacher immediately!
I have to go to the bathroom, I should
SIT DOWN, Put up the bathroom signal and wait until Mrs. Matthes says to go.
Someone is making a bad choice and trying to distract me on the rug. I should,
Ignore them
I just picked my flexible seating and sat down. I go get a tissue, but when I come back a friend is sitting in my seat, I should
Tell them nicely, that I was just sitting there and ask them to move
When the lights go out in the lunchroom and the teacher claps, I should
Clap back and stop talking
If I am having a bummer with a friend, I should say
I feel_______
when you______
I wish you would______
In Writer's Workshop, I should be
Working quietly on my own
Not talking to others
During read to buddy, the voice level is