Problem Solving

Finish the phrase and explain what to do when you hear it. 

"Shark Bait..."

"Ooh ha ha"

Stop what you're doing and shine your eyes on Miss Kessler.


What do you do when you need to leave the room? (2 steps).

1. Ask permission.

2. Sign out on whiteboard.


True or false- You can work on reading work (book talks, reading responses, spelling, vocabulary, Greek and Latin) at home. 

True. Especially if you are having a difficult time getting it all done at school. Time management is key!


Where are the extra pencils located?

On the bookshelf by the door. 


Your pencil broke and you don't have another. What could you do?

(Several acceptable answers)

Sharpen it, borrow one from a friend, borrow one from the community supplies near the door. 


What is the sign for when you need to go to the bathroom?

"Bathroom" in sign language. 


Name 3 different transitions we do each day, and explain how we should do transitions. 

Several correct responses.

Coming into the classroom, cleaning up after an activity, grabbing out materials for a new activity, getting or putting away chromebooks, lining up at the door.

Quick and quiet. 


How many reading responses are due per quarter?



Where are the Chromebooks located, and where do we line up for them?

Back of the room on the bookshelf. Line up along the windows. 


It's reading workshop and you planned on using a Chromebook for your work, but there are none left. What should you do?

Work on something else until one becomes available. Or, if you can complete your work using other resources (help from a classmate, a thesaurus, a dictionary, doing it by hand) you should do that. 


What is the sign for when you need help?

"Help" in sign language.


What should you do when entering the classroom at any time?

Come in quietly, go to your seat, and wait for directions. 


How many pages do you need to do book talks on per quarter?



Where are the dictionaries and thesauruses located?

On the big bookshelf in the back of the room- bottom shelf. 


If you need Miss Kessler for something (you have a question, you need to go to the bathroom, you need her to sign the library checkout sheet, etc.) but she is working with somebody, what do you do?

Problem solve first.

Raise your hand.

Do NOT interrupt unless it is an emergency. 


If you are asking a classmate for help, what signal should you do to show the teacher you are on task?

Thumbs up.


What should you do when you enter the classroom first thing in the morning?

(Several correct answers. Name 3.)

1. Put assignment notebook in basket

2. Turn in any assignments or paper work

3. Order lunch/milk if needed

4. Use the bathroom/get a drink/sharpen pencils if needed

5. Read.


What should you ALWAYS put on your work before turning it in?

Your name.

Nameless papers will be counted as missing.


Explain the steps of checking a book out of our classroom library.

After picking out a book, use the sign out sheet to sign your name, the book title, the date, and then ask Miss Kessler for her signature. 


During independent work time, do you need to ask permission to:

Sharpen your pencil?

Get a kleenex?

Use a dictionary/thesaurus? 

No for all.


Finish the phrase and explain what it means. 

"If the teacher's talking..."

"Don't go walking."

When Miss Kessler is teaching or explaining directions, you should be in your seat. Sharpening your pencil, going to the bathroom, throwing trash away, grabbing more snack, etc. should wait until it is an appropriate time.


There are 3 scheduled bathroom/drink breaks throughout the day. Name them.

1. Before school starts.

2. At the end of snack.

3. Right after lunch.


For reading responses...

How many need to be nonfiction?


Your choice?

How many can be graphic novels?




Graphic novels- 1 and counts towards a "choice" book.


What are the steps for returning a book to our classroom library?

Look at the sign out sheet to find your name and the book you checked out. Sign the date that you are returning the book. Put the book in the pink return bin. Miss Kessler will sign her name when she has personally checked that the book is in the bin. 


You have a question about the assignment you are working on, what should you do?

Several correct responses. 

Reread the directions. Maybe a couple of times. 

Ask a classmate for help.

Use resources around the room.

LAST- Ask Miss Kessler for help.