What color is our Morning Routine always on?
RED = quiet, no talking, work time
If I have a question, what should I do?
INCORRECT. We are always SILENT when we enter the classroom each time.
How do I know which folder is my Daily Work Folder?
My green folder that says Daily Work Folder
What is it important for me to pay attention to the lights for my voice volume?
I can distract others if I talk too loud/cause them to not be able to focus.
Why is our Morning Routine always on red?
To give people time to answer their questions and to do their work and to give people time to think and focus.
Name the 4 signals Mrs. Buck will use to get our attention.
1. STOP sign
2. Red lights
3. Class Dojo timer
4. Wind chime
I finish my lunch and I leave my tray on my desk when I go out to recess. Correct procedure or incorrect procedure?
INCORRECT. I need to place my tray on the stack of trays by the celebrations window when I finish eating and before I go out to recess.
What does my Take Home Folder look like?
Red and glossy
1. Smile at them
2. Ask if they are okay and if they want to talk
3. Tell them they matter
4. Tell them you hope their day gets better
5. Ask if they need any help
What will I bring with me from my locker before I come to class?
My agenda and my Take Home Folder.
If Mrs. Buck has the stop sign up at her desk and she is working with someone, what does this mean?
I need to wait at my desk and not interrupt. She is working with someone else.
After I drop my belongings off at my locker, I come to the classroom quietly and get started on our Morning Routine.
Where do I put my Daily Work Folder at the end of the day?
I leave it on my desk for Mrs. Buck to collect.
Why is it bad for our classroom if I am not following directions?
It distracts others and makes it harder for everyone to learn and for us to have a good classroom community.
How do I find the questions I need to answer on Google Classroom? What tab are my questions under?
The Classwork tab
1. No speaking
2. Whispering
3. Speaking normally
I need to ask Mrs. Buck a question. I can walk over to her desk to ask her. Correct procedure or incorrect procedure?
If you have a question raise your hand. When Mrs. Buck can help, she will call on you. You can then come up to her desk.
What do I do with my work when I finish it?
Put in on the Turn In side of my Daily Work Folder
What is a growth mindset?
Believing that I can learn, grow, and get better every day
How do I answer my questions on Google Classroom? Demonstrate.
What are all of the steps of our 'using the bathroom' procedure? (6 steps)
1. Show Mrs. Buck the bathroom signal.
2. Grab your bathroom pass off of the side of your desk.
3. Put the hand sanitizer on your desk - boys or girls to show others you are in the bathroom.
4. Sign the in/out log on the way to or back from the bathroom.
5. Bring my bathroom pass back from the bathroom.
6. Put the hand sanitizer I took back on the counter.
My partner and I are working on an assignment on our chromebooks together. I notice they are having a little trouble typing in the correct information. I show them how to do it by typing in the correct letters for them.
INCORRECT. You do NOT touch someone else's chromebook.
Name the 5 kinds of notebooks I have and what colors they are.
Writing = blue
Science = green
Social Studies = orange
Math = red
Drawing/writing notebook = any color I chose
Apologize, ask for forgiveness, and come back the next day and try to fix my mistakes!