What is the first thing you should do when you come in the classroom? (So Miss Sypher know you are there for the day.)
Move your magnet to ready to learn!
How many fingers do you hold up to go to the bathroom?
1 finger
If you want to sign out a book from the classroom library where do you go?
To the clipboard in front of the rescue window.
Your white shield.
What are my pets names?
Cali, Snickers, and Cocoapuff.
What do you do if you need to order lunch?
Sign up on the clipboard and write your first and last name.
How may fingers do you hold up if you need to get a tissue?
Where can you look to see what our specials are for the day?
On the morning message or on the schedule next to the calendar.
At the end of the day when do you stack your chair?
Once your bus has been called.
What are 2 of my hobbies?
Skiing and Hiking!
Where do your belongings go in the closet?
Next to your number.
How many fingers do you hold up if you need to fill up your water bottle?
2 Fingers
Where can you find important papers that you need to take home?
In your mailbox.
Where does food garbage go?
In the hallway trash cans.
What is my Mom's job?
She is a teacher at Brook Avenue School.
Where can you look if you don't know what we should do in the morning?
Read the morning slide!
How many fingers do you hold up if you need a pencil?
4 Fingers
Where can you put important papers for Miss Sypher?
In the basket on her desk.
What are the names of the adults in the room?
Miss Sypher and Ms. Watson
What is my FAVORITE season?
If you finish all of your morning work what should you do?
Read a book or work on any unfinished work in your ketchup folder.
True or False
If you have the answer to a question or have something to say you should blurt it out.
False! We do not blurt out! If we have something to say we raise our hand quietly and wait patiently to be called on.
If the floor near your desk is dirty where can you find the the broom to sweep?
Near the sink.
When are the only times your mask is allowed to come off?
Outdoor recess, outdoor gym, and when you are eating or taking a sip of water.
How old am I?
I am 25 years old.