Are you allowed to leave class if you forgot your iPad in Miss Pieper's room?
No - you're not allowed to leave class to get materials
Can a student in 5th Hour ELA eat a snack during class? Why or why not?
No - students can only eat snacks during the first 15 minutes of 4th Hour
Infinite Campus
Where can you charge your iPad?
At one of the 3 charging stations around the room.
Where can you check out a pencil?
The pencil checkout station on the front markerboard
Where do I keep notes that I take for this class?
Your ELA Notebook
When should you get up to throw away trash?
At the end of the hour as you leave.
The sign-out space on the front markerboard
At which charging stations do you have to bring your own charger?
Charging Stations #1 and #2
What do you need to remember to do when checking out a pencil? (Hint: 2 things)
Write your name on the board when taking a pencil and returning it at the end of the hour
How do I checkout a book in Miss Rudd's classroom library?
Scan the QR code to fill out the classroom library form
How will Miss Rudd respectfully get your attention during independent work time?
a bell
When should you ask to use the restroom?
After the mini-lesson is over and independent work time starts
If you charge your iPad at Station #3, are you allowed to move that charger anywhere else in the room?
No - chargers at Station #3 need to stay by Miss Rudd's desk
The bins at the front of my room
If I'm not sure what Miss Rudd's expectations are for an assignment, where can I find examples of student work?
The "Exemplary Work" bulletin board
If you need to use the pencil sharpener, when should you try to use it?
The first 10-15 mins of class (during "bellwork")
When should you prioritize taking bathroom breaks? (when do you have 4 minute passing periods)
Before 4th Hour and before or after lunch
What will happen if Miss Rudd tells me to be on a specific website but I decide to play a game on my iPad?
I will receive a strike.
If you are doing a group project and have to use shared materials, where will Miss Rudd instruct you to go?
The "Handouts" shelf
What do I do if I'm done with the "Must Do" task on the Independent Work Time slide?
Check the "May Do" then "Aspire to Do" task
Where will you turn in work for ELA? (Hint: 2 places)
The turn-in trays OR on Showbie
Can I leave class right when I ask Miss Rudd to be added to the bathroom list?
No - you have to wait for your name to called. Other students may have asked before you.
If I miss a day of school, which website can I visit to see what I missed?
folder, notebook