General Expectations
Staying Organized
Miscellaneous #1
Miscellaneous #2

What # week are we in now?

Week 15


Is eating allowed in the classroom?

No, eating in class is not allowed due to COVID


There are 2 things you use in this class to keep track of the books you're reading. What are they?

1. Status of the Class sheet

2. Reading List slideshow (Google Slides)


If it is independent work time and you're not sure what to do, where is the FIRST place you should look?

At the slide that is projected on the board. The slide contains directions and a to-do list for that day.


If you are not in your assigned seat when class starts (and you do not have permission to use the bathroom during passing time), what will happen?

You will be marked tardy


Are video lessons posted on Canvas pages or Canvas assignments?

Canvas pages


If you need to leave the room during class, what 3 things do you need to do?

1. Ask permission

2. Fill out the online sign-out form

3. Get a paper hall pass


What is the difference between a Canvas page and a Canvas assignment?

Page = blank document icon. Contains video lesson for that day. Go to the page first!

Assignment = paper & pencil icon. This is where you turn things in. Go here after watching the video lesson.


There are 2 different times that you should update your Google Slides reading list. What are they?

1. When you finish a book, so you can rate it

2. When you start a new book


If you are late to class because you were talking to another staff member, what do you need to do?

Ask for a hall pass from that staff member so I can excuse your tardy


To check your up-to-date grade in this class, where should you go?

Canvas gradebook


If you need to charge your Chromebook but you don't have a charger, what should you do?

Ask classmates until you find one to borrow


If you are absent but cannot access Canvas for whatever reason, what should you do?

Email Ms. Orr ASAP


If you need water during class, what should you do?

Fill up your water bottle with the water that is next to the sink


If you need to talk to Ms. Orr 1 on 1 (asking to use the bathroom, or asking some other 1 on 1 question), when should you NOT do that?

1. During attendance

2. While Ms. Orr is talking to/teaching the whole class

3. While Ms. Orr is already talking to another student (wait your turn)


As soon as the 10 minutes of silent reading time is over and we transition into work time, what is the very first thing you should do?

Watch that day's video lesson. Go to Canvas and find the page (e.g. LA 15.5) for the current day. The video lesson is posted there.


Before you move seats to charge your Chromebook, what 2 things do you need to do first?

1. Make sure attendance is done

2. Ask permission to move seats


If you are absent from class for any reason (sick, quarantined, out of town, appointment, etc.), what should you do? Be specific. 

1. Ask your parents to call the main office to excuse your absence

2. Go on Canvas and watch the video lesson for that day

3. Do the assignment it asks you to do

4. Email Ms. Orr if you have questions


Can you sit in someone else's seat if they are absent or if there's only a few minutes left in class?

No to both of these. Please don't ask about this. It goes against COVID protocol that we must follow regardless of everyone's vaccination status.


Right before you leave class at the end of the period, what 3 things should you do?

1. Make sure your table and chair are in the right place (chair pushed in)

2. Pick up any trash and throw it away

3. Take all belongings with you


Why is it important to know how to access Canvas announcements?

These are used if an announcement is time sensitive, or if there is a sub.


What are the expectations for silent reading in class? (4 main things)

Being focused on reading only, committing to a book until you finish it (most of the time), bringing your notebook with your Status of the Class sheet in it every day, filling out your sheet every class period with your reading progress.


List all of the items that you must bring to class every day! (6 items)

Chromebook, Chromebook charger, earbuds, spiral notebook, pen/pencil, water bottle

Also, bring a physical book if you have one but Sora works too!


What does W.E.I.R.D. stand for?

We Enjoy Independent Reading Day (what we usually do on Fridays)


What are the only 2 circumstances in which you can sit somewhere other than your assigned seat?

1. You are charging your Chromebook and you have permission to do so

2. You have permission to work in the hallway