The Hallway
Hand signals
Our morning starts with ABCD... what does A stand for?
What is attendance. (Signing in at the door)
Our voice level in line
What is zero, silent.
How many people can be at the lunch number keying in station at a time. No more than...
Two at a time, one person typing in their number and ONLY 1 person waiting.
Show the signal for sharpening a pencil?
What is holding the pencil up for the teacher to see. Say NOTHING, just use the signal.
Which CB do you take from the cart?
What is your #.
After you sign in for hot or cold lunch, what do you do NEXT? (hint: starts with B)
What is backpack on the hook.
What direction should you be facing in line?
What is forward (not turning and talking)
What behavior makes it hard for the music class?
What is bumping against the stage.
What is the signal for getting a drink of water?
What is holding up a W shape with 3 fingers.
When you put your CB back onto the cart, you must
What is plug it in!
After your backpack is away, what goes ON your desk where the teacher can see it?
What is your HOMEWORK and HW calendar.
Where do we ALWAYS stop and wait for the teacher's signal?
What is at the center area.
When someone hands you your food, what should you say?
What is "Thank you"
What is the signal for using the bathroom?
What is crossing the first two fingers and holding up your hand.
What does it mean to fully log out of a CB
What is tell it to log out and waiting until you see the log in screen.
If you don't have your HW done, what must you do BEFORE taking a CB or iPad for free time use?
What is finish the HW before getting a CB.
Your friend keeps trying to talk to you... what should you do?
What is not reply, use a hand signal to stop.
When at the tables, what 2 behaviors are NOT allowed?
What is yelling, throwing food, grabbing food from others,
You have permission to go the bathroom, what must you do before you leave the room?
What is SIGN OUT of the room on the clipboard by the door. Sign back in when you return.
You have an assigned task and go to Sumdog instead... or go there before finishing the task. What will be the consequence?
What is Sumdog account shut down for 2 weeks.
The teacher says, "Class, class... class" What should happen within 3 seconds. (two step answer)
What is (A) you repeat it, then (B) hands free, voices off, and eyes on the teacher.
A younger student or an adult needs to cross through our line, what do you do?
What is stop and signal for the person to pass through our line.
Why is it WRONG to tell someone that they can't sit with you?
it is mean, it is cruel, and it is a form of bullying.
How many seconds are needed to sharpen a pencil? This is the LONGEST you can keep it in the pencil sharpener.
What is the count of 3, then you must look at the tip.
List or show 2 ways you should never carry a CB.
What is like a book, against your body, tossing in the air, stacked on things...